The General Conversation Area

Nasty. Do you work in an office? Coz I was wearing my office shoes walking into work and there was next to no grip. I must have looked quite comical actually.

edit: Morning Chaos. *yo gesture*
Hah, Good afternoon everyone... but what a morning.

I shan't elaborate too much, but needless to say I can now add two jobs to my CV, counsellor and accidental luge champion.
I used to dream about being an accidental Luge champion.... *_*

Afternoon Ayase. Thanks for the 80's tips the other day. I will eventually get round to watching them instead of watching 90's remakes and facepalming.
All but done for me mate. Went on a marathon with a credit card over the weekend sorted everything out. I'm now prepared for Xmas. I've wrapped and everything. Kinda suprised myself.

It was starting to stress me out a little though. Glad to have got it sorted. ^___^

Most things bought, nothing wrapped. I've gone for single, high value (well, high RRP, low actual purchase price) ;) gifts this year to make it quick and easy.
"Things you want that you can't touch, but you know
One day you will hold that special feel that make you a man"

does anyone else think that sounds a bit...dodgy?

it's from the english version of We Gotta Power, but i guess you already know :p
memorium said:
"Things you want that you can't touch, but you know
One day you will hold that special feel that make you a man"

does anyone else think that sounds a bit...dodgy?
Perhaps this is only referring to a National Insurance Number card.
Zin5ki said:
memorium said:
"Things you want that you can't touch, but you know
One day you will hold that special feel that make you a man"

does anyone else think that sounds a bit...dodgy?
Perhaps this is only referring to a National Insurance Number card.

Haha, if everyone had the same thought process as you, the world would be a better place
Morning all. I trust everyone is well. All probably very busy with Christmas and family. This is my last day of work for the next week and I bet it's going to draaag.
Morning Voddas,

Last day at work this year for me. We are having an Christmas buffet at lunch time, and the car park is like an ice rink.

Edited to add.

Morning Ryo.
*wanders back from getting coffe* Morning Kev and Ryo.

It's not Hawaii here either. I live on a hill and almost had to crawl to my car this morning becasue there was that much ice on it.

Ahhh... quiet day in the office today. Think I shall sit back and read manga for the duration. ^__^

edit: @Ryo: Horo FTW
hey Voddas, just caught my postman putting my parcel in the garage, and not even knocking on the door to see if i was in *growl*

on the plus, it was my Fruba manga atlast, only came 4 weeks after it was posted *grumble @ play*