The General Conversation Area

are RATM number one? if so awesome, but then again a bunch of people got together on Facebook and decided it, quite a few of my friends participated

and we just got a tiny bit of snow, but because this is Wiltshire, this is the crappy 10 minute snow that doesn't settle on the grass and is only about 1/2 an inch deep :evil:
Hooray! Cowell's "It's not about me, I feel sorry for the performers" bleeding heart act didn't work. Only good Christmas No. 1 this decade, besides Bob the Builder.
Internet at home fixed yesterday, RATM Christmas No. 1 today - good weekend then :)

Snow has been falling periodically over the weekend. Currently there is a thin layer on the ground.

Looking forward to walking to work tomorrow after it has frozen over tonight.
Lol nice picks ayase. The sky in luton has been orange and bright since the snow came along...bright as in outsides brighter than my room with the lights should be the same in rights..weird
If I write anything offensive tonight, forgive me. Because you see I'm very, very drunk.

On my seventh. I know from experience it's not a good idea for me to exceed nine though. I'm not William Hague. :lol:

Just wiki'd William Hague for a luagh.

This article is about the English politician. For the Babylon 5 character see General William Hague. For the boxer, see William 'Iron' Hague.

Now I don't know boxing or B5, but that alone made me ROFLMAO.
I might be able to stand, but 9+ and I turn into:


Of course, in the relative safety of my own flat that shouldn't be a problem. The only problem is when the neighbours start banging on the ceiling because I'm singing along to full volume Joan Jett songs.
Lol atleast its not in town eh? I've had to spend over a tenner to sober a few mates thing i learnt that night, my mates can't go drink for drink with me.....and on bacardi an coke...i can't go drink for drink against my parents lol the one time i tried was last year in egypt...needless to say, i never want to be hovering over a toilet for 6 hours ever again. Still, we only have one life so why not make the most of it.
lol. Rewinds me of an amusing story a friend told me about his younger brother getting drunk on holiday, when he came back to the apartment he misjudged where the sink was and vomited all over the kitchen counter. :lol:
Lol when i was in cyprus for my aunt an uncles wedding...i got drunk, passed out an woke up midday....on a bench in the middle of the complex lol, good times
Cyprus is great, isn't it? But I tell thee, you haven't been proper drunk until you've woken up in a portaloo. Bonus points if it's a ladies designated portaloo at a small town music festival.
Lol, fair play...another thing ive learnt before, when they say dont take medication and alcohol, their not joking, i had a throat infection, was on antibiotics, figured id still be able to handle it...ordered a round of we buy in double rounds....had 5 beers and was gone to the world. I could txt on my fone to talk to mates. But couldnt talk. Nor walk. I had to walk 2 miles using mates as aid before id sobered up enough to walk again...tell you one thing, ill never do that again.
Hey, do you use the chat Tach, is there anyone in there now? I don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep tonight. I'm on the coffee now and I have a laundrette visit and Christmas shopping planned tomorrow. I don't want to sleep it away...
lol, I thought someone had hijacked your account when I saw how many threads had been replied to at this time of the morning. ^^;

More people here who might actually post about anime = ace, so welcome back!