The General Conversation Area

Well that kinda sucks chaos. If it's any consolation I've worked to lose money today (though by 'work' I mean for the most part sitting in the shop posting on AUKN) it's been so abysmal. No one wants to come out in this weather.

Ah, a new page, a new light-hearted snow theme. Hey Mono. :)

All our snow is slush now, but it looks like we're going to get more tomorrow.

Right, that's it, I'm off. Another half hour won't make the blindest bit of difference today.
ayase said:
Well that kinda sucks chaos. If it's any consolation I've worked to lose money today (though by 'work' I mean for the most part sitting in the shop posting on AUKN) it's been so abysmal. No one wants to come out in this weather.
The thing I hate the most is that in the end I have to comply. That won't keep me from looking at other jobs though. :p

Hi everyone :D

There is snow where I am as well. I have already built a snowman which I did after my last day of college for the term
Awesome. We didn't have enough snow here for a snowman :'( Hopefully, we will get loads of snow on Monday - which would actually keep me at home :)

ayase said:
Ah, a new page, a new light-hearted snow theme. Hey Mono. :)

All our snow is slush now, but it looks like we're going to get more tomorrow.

Right, that's it, I'm off. Another half hour won't make the blindest bit of difference today.
See you tomorrow and if you have snow, build a snowman in front of your shop to attract busines ;)
Hiya Ayase :D and bye

Most of the snow here is still okay but the pathways it's all slushy and you can see the ice :p

Building the snowman was fun though mine ended up small as the snow didn't stick together properly =)
Everything is fine at the moment chaos :) I'm looking forward to Christmas and over the weekend, I have got Slayers Excellent,Slayers Gorgeous and Slayers Return to watch :D
Everything is fine at the moment chaos :) I'm looking forward to Christmas and over the weekend, I have got Slayers Excellent,Slayers Gorgeous and Slayers Return to watch :D
find is good ;)

Oh, one OVA and two Slayers movies, there will be plenty of Naga for you to enjoy =D
ilmaestro said:

It's DAMN cold and we have awesome snow here, too.

I'm thinking of x-posting this to the climategate thread. ^^;

Nyani: YES, take the roads you know are going to be gritted.

Yea, I took as many main roads as I could (ie the route I usually avoid since it's an hour extra of traffic), oddly about 75% of the cars normally on it were not, so I had no traffic either way.

I'm freezing! It dosn't help that I checked tire pressure and fluids during lunchbreak in the snow (balancing my portable air thing on my lap kneeling since I couldn't set it down, lol)
We got snow here. Thanks to it, I found out I couldn't be arsed going to college today rofl.

O speaking of college, I have a feeling I'm gonna fail my Geography A Level exam in teacher doesn't know how to teach.
I tried to find interesting books at Borders today. Alas, I was a little late. The present-worthy books were long gone—only the less interesting titles remained.

I then bought some crème caramel from Sainsbury's. For a matter of pence, they're quite nice.
liamoflegends said:
We got snow here. Thanks to it, I found out I couldn't be arsed going to college today rofl.

O speaking of college, I have a feeling I'm gonna fail my Geography A Level exam in teacher doesn't know how to teach.

God i love the snow, only problem is that its somehow turned the yobs into armed gangs, me and my friends where litterally followed from one street to another with them trying to pelt us with didn't work like as they couldn't hit the broad side of a house.

Still roll on the white xmas!
BlackWolf said:
God i love the snow, only problem is that its somehow turned the yobs into armed gangs, me and my friends where litterally followed from one street to another with them trying to pelt us with didn't work like as they couldn't hit the broad side of a house.

In my area they're generally armed, with soda bottles, beer cans, beer bottles. This would be why I never walk...
Nyani said:
BlackWolf said:
God i love the snow, only problem is that its somehow turned the yobs into armed gangs, me and my friends where litterally followed from one street to another with them trying to pelt us with didn't work like as they couldn't hit the broad side of a house.

In my area they're generally armed, with soda bottles, beer cans, beer bottles. This would be why I never walk...

I'm waiting for it to advance up to "glass or stone hidden in snowball" before finally going up to "glass or stone hidden in yellow snowball"...The dark side of snow

It's snowing a bit.

...and even getting a new camera for Christmas can't make me take good photographs. 9.0 mega pixels, on ISO-3200 speed setting, with anti-shake enabled for my coffee addled hands. Why is it still so sodding grainy and blurred?
The camera is probably just having a bit of a problem with focusing and the like with so much going on in the way of falling snow. Also is looks a bit sepia check you did not manage to set some kind of auto effect.
You won't be saying that when we have 8K displays. Plus it's a full HD video camera as well. :p

@Dracos - The colour is actually accurate, the sky did go an odd shade of pale yellow. Had more success this morning:

I had thought the colour was probably right as the way street lights and that bounce off the snow at night is different to during the day. I just thought you may have had some effect turned on that could explain why it was not as clear as you thought it should be.