The General Conversation Area

Welcome Back Retro. Hey, I can use this again:


Morning mangaman, no work for me today. However, there is Christmas shopping and laundering (of clothes, sadly) to do - both of which I can walk / slide to.
Not bad at all mate. Got all my presents sorted and I've even wrapped them all (bar one). So, you might say I'm finally starting to feel the Christmas Spirit.... well, maybe just a little bit. =P

Hows Manga?
Not BAd??! It's a freaking miracle. :p I'm never this organized. Thank you pocket fiance. Heh.

This is horrible... it's almost surreal... this feeling of being work and no one seems to actually be working. It's way to close to Christmas for the staff to be working. I'm trying to smile but we're actually pritty busy (I hate Mondays) and everyone's exstatikness in the air is really starting to stress me out. ¬_______¬
It is not like everything is hunky dory here. I am behind workwise but I try not to let it get to me.

For the record I am behind partly due to moving office back in April/May & partly due to cost cutting (bare bones staff at the moment).
Afternoon chaps.
Now that I'm back in my hometown, I've been spending the last few hours trying to get the old laptop to connect. Interestingly enough, it worked once I downloaded a driver that was older than the one I currently use.
Zin5ki said:
Afternoon chaps.
Now that I'm back in my hometown, I've been spending the last few hours trying to get the old laptop to connect. Interestingly enough, it worked once I downloaded a driver that was older than the one I currently use.
Hey there, Zin.
These things hardly ever surprise me.
That doesn't sound hunky dory. I'm rpobably not as stressed as I let on.... well, not at this moment anyway. I hate that so many companies (including mine) have had to cut down on staff. It's just adding to the problem and adding to that ever increasing unemployed figure. Anyway, enough about politics.

Do you beleive in New Years Revolutions? I had one last year, to quit smoking. I lasted 6 months and then my fiance started again. I buckled shortly after.

edit: Afternoon Chaos and Zin.
Don't usually make any New Year Resolutions. Don't smoke (Asthma sufferer), not a heavy drinker, don't gamble (other than National Lottery).

Also afternoon Chaos, Zin5ki
Afternoon Voddas and Mangaman

My new years resolution is to find a relationship that lasts longer than 5 dates.

I've quit smoking already, it's been three years now. I've smoked maybe 4 or 5 fags since I've quit, mainly at drinking sessions with smoker friends. Cigarretes suddenly materializes in my hands, then when I realize I'm smoking I immediately stop drinking and I can hang in there.
No snow, just lots of ice this morning. As I live on a hill it was quite traumatic getting up there from a standing position. Took so long that neighbours ended up using jumpers and rags to stick under the wheels. Not nice!

If it snows then that's fare enough, but I hate this wet ice crap. Nightmare. :roll:

Anywho, morning all. ^__^