The General Conversation Area

And I'm thinking about getting me a car. I'm not even sure it would be worth it, as I don't intend to drive that much, maybe I'd just get one of those easy rent services...
It's a shame I live so far away from anyone. All I have are the Mountains and Lakes to keep me occupied. TT_TT

edit: Just to be clear, I do actually have real friends too of course. Heh.
hahaha@ voddas' small print :p
Fair enough day i'll make an appearance :p

Was looking earlier, JamesX lives about an hours drive from me....and thats an hours drive from halifax lol
we had 2 school closures and expect aload more.....i'm hopin to get enough snow that i can't physically get into work.

Just realised that my team leader is oblivious of everything....someone made a personal call. so me being me, noticed this.....thought "well thats the 5th time this week i've caught you making personal calls at work and others have done it too...and been caught by the manager.....sod it i'll call my mates.....just called leader didn't bat an eyelid.

what a pleb.
Voddas said:
It's a shame I live so far away from anyone. All I have are the Mountains and Lakes to keep me occupied. TT_TT

edit: Just to be clear, I do actually have real friends too of course. Heh.
You are married, aren't you Voddas?

My RL friends are all right, with the exception that they are all married and most of them have kids, which restricts the sort of things we can do together. :(
I'm not married Chaos but I am a husband to be. Getting married in June 2011. So we get plenty of time to save. ^__^

....and do nothing. ¬_¬


Ok peoples. I'm gonna make a dash for the exit. If I don't see you before, I'll be on Monday. Have a good weekend!

Ciao for now :)

*clicks heals and skips out*
I am starting to suffer the same fate Chaos first friends get married not too bad as I have usually been friends with their partners about the same length of times as them so doing stuff together is not a problem. Then the kids come along so you find the restrictions coming like you always have to go around their place so they can put the kids to bed at which time anything noisy has to stop. Also of course when the kids start school your friends meet other parents and start doing things together taking up more of the free time you may have had together.

Work is getting annoying things normally slow down about now and we can get everything done and get back and sort out the things we have put to one side, but apparently not this year.
Tachi- said:
hahaha@ voddas' small print :p
Fair enough day i'll make an appearance :p

Was looking earlier, JamesX lives about an hours drive from me....and thats an hours drive from halifax lol

You must be mistaken, your location tells me you're nearly 2 hours from him, and Halifax is over 2 hours from him. :p
I finished my work for this semester today!
Now I can enquire into goings-on further afield.
Not much happened for me today, but I did see an old East German Trabant parked in Bloomsbury. Considering the 'rare' vehicles found in such an area are usually of the luxury variety, it made for quite a contrast.
It's snowing, and I have to get to where I temp in the morning... Then travel 3 hours twice saturday, then do a similar trip in a different direction late on christmas... I've not driven in snow here. I'm scared. :( The road I take to work normally is really hilly and windy... I think maybe I should avoid it and take the trafficy motorway instead in hopes it's gritted. :( *hides in her freezing room*
And here's my car with cheap standard tires. :/

It's DAMN cold and we have awesome snow here, too.

I'm thinking of x-posting this to the climategate thread. ^^;

Nyani: YES, take the roads you know are going to be gritted.
Utter piss take.

In work....the herts bookers are all out. and i'm expected to work.....there's ******* loads to do....and i cba to be here.
Morning all.

We also have a decent covering of snow. Won't last long I don't imagine (salty sea air grits the roads for us round here) but it's nice while it lasts.

ilmaestro said:
I'm thinking of x-posting this to the climategate thread. ^^;
Too late, that thread's about religion now. :p