I hate it when decent people us consider others before ourselves.
Too nice for our on good. its like last year around xmas we where running a 15 person team on 3 people.....it was a complete joke, and all because of various reasons.
- people too lazy to go to work because they said they couldn't get through the snow.......they live walking distance from the office, i live near 3 miles away! and i can still get in.
and others who where just plain lazy who never turned up and gave no reason at all. and ofcorse with people off on annual leave and an old bat who fell over and broke her arm....and is STILL wearing a brace (even though she doesn't need to anymore) it was a complete joke, so this year i figured i'd save my annual leave then at the end of the year.....take off as much time in one whole go as possible....i'd be off all the new years week too, if people hadn't beat me to it :/
awwell, i get back on the tuesday, work tues, weds and thurs. friday off....sorted
Erm, manga....the comps finish on the days given but due to the "staff" at AUKN, they've all been abit busy of late (except ryo...i think he maybe just being lazy

) So it maybe a few days before they announce a winner.