The General Conversation Area

chaos said:
why there's no mince in mince pies?

Wiki explains the origins of the humble mince pie said:
A mince pie (sometimes also minced, minced meat, or mincemeat pie) is a British festive sweet pastry, traditionally consumed during the Christmas and New Year period. Mince pies normally have a pastry top, but versions may also be found without the top in which case they are known as mince tarts. Mince pies are filled with mincemeat – a preserve typically containing apple, dried fruits such as raisins and sultanas, spices, and either suet or vegetable shortening.[1] Modern mince pies typically do not contain any meat, but because suet is raw beef or mutton fat, mince pies made with suet are not suitable for vegetarians. Individual mince pies are usually 6–7.5 cm (2.5-3 inches) in diameter, although larger mince pies, suitable for slicing, may also be baked

Thats why :p
Chaos... *shakes head* Get your Xmas tree sorted! :evil:

Xmas Eve, Sarah and I are going to my mams to have a family night consisting of the normal. Drinks, arguments and board games. Heh. Looking forward to it actually. Just need to complete our Xmas shopping so we can relax. It's propper stressing me out at the moment.
My xmas tree went up the other night.

decorations in my room are yetto be put room requires a mass tidy before i'll bother with lights.

well next week me and the lads are all meetin up and having a few good nights out and nights in.....then on wednesday i'm in london with the gf and all her mates.....going ice skating (note the fact i'm not built for ice skating and the last time i went....i spent the whole day on my the middle of the ice ring) then christmas eve is meant to be a heavy night of gaming and drinking and then heading into town.
christmas day in the Tachi residence is pretty much a laid back one (as everyone elses is i guess)

Wake up....go downstairs and open a muppets christmas carol. muck about with whatever things people have been given......i'm personally looking forward to the christmas socks....i've been wanting socks for ages....but my dad steals em so its easier not to buy em myself. then dad will be cooking the crimbo meal.....the neighbours and their 3 year old tearaway are due to come over (i hope she just leaves me alone and doesn't scream.....i don't like that child.
then after the meal well probably go back to watching films....chillin and drinking. Boxing day my aunt, uncle and cousin are down from manchester so me, my mum, dad, sister, best mate, 2 other mates, cousin, aunt and uncle are all going to a pub we like....getting completely smashed off our faces and then staggering home :thumb: (well the lads are getting drunk....the girls can do whatever)

Ahh, good times ahead ^_^
And then I returned... wow... this place is off the hook. :p

Snow you say? It's actually sunny where I am. If it wasn't for the nipple freezing temperatures it'd be an awesome day... besides obviously having to be in work.
Edinburgh has been covered in snow for the past 2-3 hours now, and its great. We had some hail as well before the snow came on, but then it was snow full on. Its stopped for now, but i imagine that it will come back soon enough.
Afternoon all. Just a quick visit from me today.

We just had a little snow here as well. I haven't got any Christmas decorations sorted either... I don't actually have many, and certainly no space for a tree. I enjoy all fruit filled deserts so Christmas with it's cake, puddings and mince pies is good for me. Wedding Cake though... I'm not a fan of solid icing, it's too sweet. Look at the French and Scandinavian wedding cakes though! Much better.
Unlucky! That's one of the best things about crimbo. I don't need to buy ay food in. I just go to families houses and eat all there's. =P

Oh, and afternoon Ryo.

edit: Afternoon Arby and Ayase.

Everyones getting the snow? We don't get it often with living on the west coast. Too much salt in the air and the Irish Sea keeps us all wet the year round.
First snow we've had this winter, so i'm not complaining. Hopefully this means we will have a ton of it come christmas, or even new year, which would be nice, but we'll wait and see anyways.
Don't think you will find it there. anymore... ;)

really looking forward for the weekend. Hopefully, it's going to be very chilled out / relaxing. Or so I hope =D
Fancy going on a pub crazy around london then chaos? :p

and it was there...but i have to wait about 10 mins for it to cool now....someone must've thought they where funny to add more minutes to it ¬_¬
Tachi- said:
Fancy going on a pub crazy around london then chaos? :p
Not my style, but yeah, why not? when, where, how?

There is a photo scavenger hunt that I was planning to attend this saturday if its not raining and there is a mutate britain exhibition I wanted to see, Oh, and I wanted to see Avatar and White ribbon.
lol its alright mate....If your free after xmas then well go for a pint :thumb: but at the moment i'm trying to save the pennys for crimbo.