The General Conversation Area

lol sounds like your having as much fun as me, filing is the devils chores... Pub anyone? T'is the season to me jolly afterall :p

Deciding whether to buy a hamster for xmas....i want a little friend, one who can sit on my bed watching me play ps3 an when it gets bored it'll just fall asleep.

Sure i've got a wardog sized Boxer called Bron, but he tends to just want to sit on people or their feet (rather than park his backside on the floor.....your shoes are much comfier)
Heh, my mams Black Lab does that too. Must be the warmth. *shrug*

So, Tachi and manga, what shifts you working between Xmas and new year? I have to work New Years Eve but besides that I'm home free. I'll be working up till the day before Xmas Eve before then like.

I love Boxers. XD
Erm.....i'm working till friday....then off all next week, i've worked out that i'm only taking 4 days annual leave for next week but in total i get 11 days off 8)

oh to set the record straight, his name is Byron, not bron :p
lol I thought that was a different name.

My mams Black Lab is called Shearer (after Alan Shearer of course). Her other dogs a Lakeland Terrier called Rocky and he's a right little git. Licks the hell out of you.... *shivers*

You got 11 days off? *weep* Well done good sir, well done.

Manga, your working similar to me then. We're supposed to be working Xmas Eve but everyone got told to book the day off. So we did. *shrug*
lol yes, i've been saving my Annual leave for crimbo. Like heck am i working during the 2nd time of the year (after paddy's day) that is pretty much annual P*** up day/week :p

Whats your two's christmas day's usually entail?
It's okay Voddas :), i had a good day anyway, went and saw planet 51 which was pretty funny, and you could hardly tell that it was the The Rock who did the voice for the astronaught. Got some good stuff as well.
Nice. :thumb: Want to see that film myself. Probably wait till DVD though. Cinema is way to expensive at the moment. I save if for huge movie releases.
Get anything worth shouting about?

@Tachi: I will tell you about my Xmas day events after lunch mate. ;)

I hope the forum stays healthy this afternoon. I want to see if the errors start popping up at 3.00 again. It was almost impossible for me to post yesterday. *puts head in hands* It was pritty bad like.

edit: Right! I'm off to lunch people. Hopefully see you this afternoon.

Laters. ^^
I have returned!! Lunch was average,plus there there was this random woman who would give us her spare seat. She kept saying that she was saving if for someone, then she just left after we managed to get seated. Wierd woman... anywho...

Who (do we think) will be Christmas number 1 2009? Joe for The X-Factor or Rage Against the Machine?

I bought my copy, i made my contribution to this noble effort to overthrow the boring soppy - just as none christmassy crap that the xfactor "winner" gets to sit at #1 every year.

Anyway, what are your plans regarding crimbo day?
Joe, without a doubt. I've never seen anything special about the Christmas #1. It's an old tradition that people keep wanting to hold on to, and honestly, people should just stop caring. There are a few versions of Halleujah last year that tried to stop Alexandra and look how that turned out...

I imagine The X-Factor's timing is more convenient than anything else as well. Unless Simon Cowell moves Idol and Got Talent around, he has no other place to put The X-Factor really. Give or take a few weeks, obviously. It's a business.
I'm glad someone stood up for Joe. *shakes Jayme's hand*

The only reason I support RATM is because I prefer them. Not that I hate that there's an X-Factor singer at number 1. Whoever ends up at number 1 will not effect me in any way. If RATM isn't number one it will be no bother, I'll probably be listening to Muse at the time anyway. lol
On similar news....i just had funny looks when i went for my chinese, the women (all very friendly) and i where talking about the sauce....and when one said "i couldn't eat it all in one day though" i said "i could, i love the stuff, where'd you buy it?" they looked and laughed, in the jokey way and said where they buy it and that i shouldn't eat it all in one day, its too much :p

love this sauce.....must find it on
It's called Salad Cream Tachi. :lol:

I love Chinese but was very disappointed with my last one last Friday. Mite give it a miss for a month or so... well... take away chinese anyways. Home Chinese is still good. Yum!