The General Conversation Area

Vasquez... hell yeah.

@Jayme - Well I can't say I'm entirely Baltar. Baltar minus the charisma and style, probably. Though with time and money those problems could be rectified... mainly money. He did have a very nice house on Caprica...*

And Happy Birthday to Black as well! Busy month for AUKN birthdays, December.

*I just looked it up, that house is on the f*cking coast of British Columbia. I've been there and it is exactly where I would live if I could choose anywhere in the world.
Well, back in the office today and the drives aren't working again.....So am i going to work? Pfft, hell no. i'm to kick back, with the heater on. and relax whilst listening to music,

Have a mince pie on standby.
What did people get upto lastnight?
Morning Tachi... wish I could kick back. T_T

Last night I went Xmas shopping to get some Albums for a few people. Then I sat and sorted out Sarah's car insurance with her. After that I showered and made tea for us both. Finished the night of with The Gadget Show and the first two episodes of CSI Season 6.

Not terribly exciting like. Was planning on staying up and playing some MW2 and watching some anime but for some reason I just went really tired and was in bed by 11.00 (not like me). Slept like the dead too like. ^__^

Anything intresting happen on your end?
Sounds alright mate,

Erm....Got home,put on the ps3....tidied up downstairs, had dinner, went back upstairs and carried on playing Dragon Age; Origins till about 1.30 then turned it off and went to sleep.

Somewhere about 9-10pm my gf called, she wanted to talk...i just wanted to relax and play abit on the ps3 *sigh* the things we do huh?

I think i maybe going to the chinese again recent weeks my appetite has returned so now i'm Hungry much earlier than i normally would...and yesterdays big lunch didn't touch the sides! Looking forward to the snow expected tomorrow.....and the buffet, pig out, merry drinking and family all happening next weekend. oh and going to london with the missus and her mates.
Must be that time of year mate. I too am getting hungrier earlier on. My diet hasn't changed like. Which is quite random?

Anyway, I here that Dragon Age is quite popular. Is it an RPG? Does it play out like a FFantasy game or is it more like DoW? Out of interest.
It is a good game, a long story and there's so many directions you can take it. Its like a normal RPG. can equip different weapons, there's different classes + types of people - human - dwarf - elf...and later on in the game werewolf and blood mages. There's a 6 slot attack system, you have square, triangle and circle to assign movements you learn as your level rises. when you hold R2 the 3 slots are swapped with the 3 slots behind. On my main character (a dwarf) I have several shield based attaks, ones to stun monsters, and others to hurt/death blow.
pressing X is a normal attack......and when you press X when something of interest or a monster is infront, it goes into an Automatic mode, it runs up and either collect/reads the item. or if its a monster, starts attacking.....although at any time you can move around and start attacking exactly where you want to.

been given stupid filing crap...and have got a cough out of nowhere......not impressed. might just go now.
Game sounds like your basic RPG. Mite look into it if I get this PS3. :p

I'm gonna go for a break now so I don't die of work radiation!
Enjoy your filling mate. Sounds like fun. :roll: :p
Its really not...look through files....get CRB numbers and dates, then check passports for if their british or on a visa......all because the stupid F***'s can't be bothered to put things on the database properly.....because some Lazy C**t couldn't be i'm stuck picking up the shortfall......Bas***ds.

Not impressed with this.....and i'm making it known throughout the office. i, by rights can say i'm going home and nobody can say anything against it.....this job is utter BS.
Atleast give me a task that's benefitial.
Mundane work is the worst. At least I'm making peoples lives better by sending the bailiffs round their gaf. :twisted:

Anyway, I'm off again this Friday so I only have to survive untill end of play tomorrow. Don't know if I'll manage it like... work has been extra like force sucking than usual. Can't wait till Xmas Eve, then it'll be a nice 6 day break.
I have to work New Years Eve... ¬_¬
*deep sigh*

think it worked....had my moan about it, and now shifts are coming through on my side, so i can put this infernal task to one side.

Hey alright?
I'm just trying to get my head down and do it as quickly as possible. Want to keep my brain busy today. Most definately don't want this afternoon to drag.... but for the time being, I'll keep my eyes focussed on lunch. =P
Snowing? Cool. Just miserable where I am at the moment. ¬_¬

Friday? Gonna get some jobs done in the morning then I'm off to collect Sarah's new car in the afternoon. She's getting a 207verve 1.4 (3d). Looking forward to steeling it from her. Hah!
Friday evening is a wedding night do, so I'll have to dress smart and keep my hands out of my pants. :roll:

Be reet.
Voddas said:
Snowing? Cool. Just miserable where I am at the moment. ¬_¬

Friday? Gonna get some jobs done in the morning then I'm off to collect Sarah's new car in the afternoon. She's getting a 207verve 1.4 (3d). Looking forward to steeling it from her. Hah!
Friday evening is a wedding night do, so I'll have to dress smart and keep my hands out of my pants. :roll:

Be reet.

Sounds good mate.

Have a good night and you know what they say about men with their hands in their pockets?? lol dodgy..
lol i know....but they say if a guys walking about with his hand in his left pocket

He's hiding something embarrassing.

people from the agencies are here, bearing chocolate :D