The General Conversation Area

Ah I see. It is a pritty sweet laptop like. Slightly out of my price range however. :lol:

Oh!! Guess what? I got £200 all together for my Bday. Considering putting it towards a PS3. XD

Haven't decided yet like.
Voddas said:
Ah I see. It is a pritty sweet laptop like. Slightly out of my price range however. :lol:

Oh!! Guess what? I got £200 all together for my Bday. Considering putting it towards a PS3. XD

Haven't decided yet like.


you'll have hours of fun, plus if you connect it upto the internet we can both get ayase to come off his lazy **** and log on... Headsets :thumb:
Heh, that's a plus. So many games to catch up on. I've played and completed loads of PS3 games at my mates... I'll have to do it all over again if I get one. Not because I have to but because I'd need to.

Hmmm... we'll see. I wouldn't mind a Bluray like. :p

Ah, time for lunch. I'm off to forage for food.

Be on later people. Ciao.
Tachi- said:

you'll have hours of fun, plus if you connect it upto the internet we can both get ayase to come off his lazy **** and log on... Headsets :thumb:
I second both the PS3 purchase and getting me up off my lazy ****. ;)

I've been gaming very irregularly recently and when I have it's been single player. I am sorry about that guys, especially the people who've friended me and I've never played with.

@chaos - No problems with the forum today or late last night / early this morning. Like Tach, my experience yesterday during the day was awful though. Worst it's been so far for me.
I have returned!! *picks teeth with a bone*

Hey, just a warning you guys. If I did get a PS3, don't expect me to be any good at it. =P I'm a PC gamer by trade and controlers take warming up to. I'm sure I'll catch on pritty quickly. Played plenty in the past like. I'm a big FPS fan you see and PC's are the only way to play imo (well, mouse and keyboard to be more precise).

Gah!! Someone just put a complaint in about me at work!!! *evil*

*rolls up sleaves and storms off*

@Chaos: Having no problems myself today. Running as it always has done. :thumb:
Voddas said:
Hey, just a warning you guys. If I did get a PS3, don't expect me to be any good at it. =P I'm a PC gamer by trade and controlers take warming up to. I'm sure I'll catch on pritty quickly. Played plenty in the past like. I'm a big FPS fan you see and PC's are the only way to play imo (well, mouse and keyboard to be more precise).
Anyone would think you'd just read my post in the 'What are you playing' thread and decided to rub it in. :p
Afternoon all,

The server does seem to be better so far today.

I would third the PS3. I got mine second hand from Game for about £190, it is an 80Gb model.

I had last week off of work. I spent some time playing Elder Scroll 4: Oblivion on my PS3, or playing Pokemon Platinum on my DS. I also watched a lot of the snooker.

On Thursday I went out and had a meal at Nando's then saw 2012 in the cinema. Good effects, reasonable story, and some dodgy science.

Went out on Friday (my birthday) for a Chinese meal with my parents.

I have a short working week this week with Wednesday and Thursday afternoons off. and the works Christmas do is on Thursday.
*reads Ayase's post in game thread*

Hah! That's quite wierd but completely true. I know that there are indeed mouse and keyboards for the PS£, however I'm not 100% sure (can't remember) if their Sony made or just some techy's mad creation. It would be a god send like.

No offence against the controller at all of course. Racing and 3rd person games are just as fun with controler if not better in a lot of cases. Sadly though, FPS is a genre it doesn't stand tall in.

edit: imo of course :p

Edit again: Afternoon KevB *salutes*
Voddas said:
*reads Ayase's post in game thread*

Hah! That's quite wierd but completely true. I know that there are indeed mouse and keyboards for the PS£, however I'm not 100% sure (can't remember) if their Sony made or just some techy's mad creation. It would be a god send like.

No offence against the controller at all of course. Racing and 3rd person games are just as fun with controler if not better in a lot of cases. Sadly though, FPS is a genre it doesn't stand tall in.

edit: imo of course :p

Edit again: Afternoon KevB *salutes*

I have seen non-Sony keyboards for the PS3. I think any bluetooth keyboards and mice will work. The blue ray remote control is also bluetooth and it is quite strange to have a remote control that you do not have to point at the device being controlled.
I know what you mean Kev. My brother has a PS3 with one of those remotes and it was changing the setting when it was down the sofa. It was quite confusing untill he clicked. You gotta love bluetooth.
It's whether they will work with the games though, that's the only thing. I should stop being lazy and look this stuff up myself.

This generation's quirks take a little getting used to. I was playing Far Cry 2 a little while back and I thought my vehicle had been damaged as it kept listing to one side - In fact I had one of my arms higher than the other on my sofa's armrest and was holding the controller at a slight angle. :lol:
Thanks for all your replies. PM me if you notice anything unusual. There are more things the hosting want me to do, so I'll try to look into it as I find time.

Tachi- said:
Why did you change then? :/
Price. The old host was three times more expensive than this one and was very restrictive, the new one was recommended to me by a friend and had great reviews.
*holds stomach with a smile*

I was starving, to the point that it was uncomfortable...went to lunch and got a chinese, came back, caught up with posts on here and i'm refueled and ready to sloth out :p

Still no systems....So as far as our dept see's it.....we can't be bothered :thumb: Instead of having AUKN in a small window its fullscreen and nobodies said anything ^_^

Being an old pc gamer, spending many an hour on this game :

and a long standing console gamer....playing all sorts, from far cry to MW2....I have to say that i don't particularly care lol. I go for the graphics.....and to say that a PS3 has 4 times the power of a gaming pc....i know what i'm more likely to go for :p