ayase said:Using a graphics tablet... with MS Paint. ::facepalm::
Let Nyani have it Tach, it's wasted on you.![]()
I think everyone gets this to some degree and it's different things which set it off for different people, but sadly the thing which seems to do this for me is just other people in general which is a shame. I can't help but think I wouldn't be such a bastard if other people weren't such bastards as well. Which is also bad, because that means I'm letting their behaviour have an effect on me when I shouldn't. But I'm not at Dalai Lama 'rise above it' level yet - I've got to the (Chaotic Neutral, we have a lot of them around here...) point where I both love and hate humanity with equal passion, and now just flip between the two. I'm as likely to give someone a smile as I am a piece of my mind... to truly progress I think I need to let go of the hate.Nyani said:Ayase - It's hard not to be consumed by hatred. I've always got things trying to turn me from my usual "I care about the wellbeing of all" self into an "omg die you bastard" person, luckily it only manages to do it as internal rage rather than actual acting out.![]()
ayase said:No answer. I had to get to the shop. So I left with a note on the door begging the delivery man to press the other doorbells so he can at least leave it inside the door (but knowing my luck Amazon will have sent it recorded delivery even though I didn't ask for it - when I placed my order nearly two weeks ago free delivery seemed good enough).
ayase said:...and Tachi delivers.ayase said:the way AUKN usually works is that someone would just take it upon themselves to create this thread and others would take responsibility for posting in it or not - We're a bit anarchic like that.![]()
Tachi- said:Man or normal cold?
My guess is because IMO, there is no karma, there are no Gods (I only bring that up because it's a very common religious question - "Why does God allow..." etc). Therefore you have to either become a stronger person and rise above things or make your own karma (otherwise known as justice) and that can get messy. My big problem with Buddhism has always been that if you're peaceful, if you don't harm anyone else to the point at which you actually allow others to harm you, then regardless of how strong you are as an individual your peaceful ideals won't survive, will they? Look at Tibet. Someone non-peaceful will come along and walk all over you. The same applies to individuals.Tachi- said:I've always wondered why those who are killers/rapists/generally bad people Live with no problems.....where as law abiding people who treat each other right, end up with cancer and other illness'