The General Conversation Area

Speaking of new year's day CG, I'll need to sort myself out some sort of costume for the New year party I'm going to. The theme is "new beginnings", so I'm either going as a T-Rex or Jesus. Mind you, the Song of God himself won't require much work as I have the hair... damn, I wanted to go as a cavemen >_>

Tachi- said:
Okay Chaos, fair that case and from what you've said, any thread on this whole forum i can derail in a major way and it can't be called trolling nor can anybody complain that i've wrecked the thread they created......okay, i'll make a note of that. can't have double standards now can we? ;)

Except we have forum moderators to prevent that...
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Except we have forum moderators to prevent that...

No no....because chaos said as much that nobody owns the threads they if it doesn't belong to anyone then nobody can complain if its derailed. and if the mods are meant to stop arguments.....the one that happened when i wasn't here sure did get intercepted well and stopped very quickly :thumb:
Tachi- said:
Now i don't know what that says to you...but to me that says that my opinion (which in this instance is that i think the arguments should stop as its ruining the purpose for the thread) are justifiable and acceptable.

Yes, your opinions are just fine but your orders and commands are not. Just the thought of "owning" a discussion, even the ones you start, is as preposterous in a public forum as it would be in inter-personal conversation.

If you can find where it states that i cannot take pride in something i've created and strive to keep the peace in this thread then i'll put my hands up and admit that i can't try and rectify/conserve peace in a thread i've created for good intentions.

Pride? Why would you take pride in this thread? It's mostly just 3 or 4 members greeting one another over and over again. And besides, I cannot think of anything less original than a thread for 'general conversation'. There's nothing in least imaginative or outstanding about your 'idea' so I don't understand what there is to be 'proud' of. But whatever, be as proud you like! I don't see how pride in your creation (honestly, just listen to that, you're proud of a thread for discussing 'things', how absurd!) makes you it's moderator or administrator in any way. "Peace-keeping" is only the duty of admins and mods. Sometimes people disagree and sometimes they're not as cordial in their disagreements as the ought to be, but you are not to be the judge of when such disagreements get out of hand because you are not a moderator. Arguments are going to happen, it's best to see if they can solve themselves first; the admins and mods seem to think this way, that's all that matters.

Okay Chaos, fair that case and from what you've said, any thread on this whole forum i can derail in a major way and it can't be called trolling nor can anybody complain that i've wrecked the thread they created......okay, i'll make a note of that. can't have double standards now can we?

This sulking is incredibly pathetic coming from an adult. Where does chaos say anything of the sort? He says no one "owns" (and you have repeatedly stated that you think yourself the owner of this topic) any thread and therefore implied that anyone's orders or commands (excluding those of mods and admins) can and should be ignored. People even agree with me on the point that you shouldn't act as though you own this thread, and people seemingly hate agreeing with me so I think it's fair to accept their opinions as fully being their own and you should respect that.

And how can one "derail" a general conversation thread? You clearly view this thread as your own personal public diary or something of that nature, and this is clear from your petty sulking because others have taken the attention away from your dull descriptions of everyday life. Get a blog! ;]
Yup, I'm a better, far more friendly person. I win; social retard or not.

People want to be jolly in this thread, befriending each other and creating a friendly atmosphere as a result. All you're doing is ramming your e-penis down the throat of everyone who'll respond.

I'm allowed to ramble for twenty paragraphs about my life, depressing/boring everyone to death at Christmas. You aren't. You just have to accept that not everyone is equal - you're Irish.
I've had a PM from chaos. not a bad one, just a talk. so as far as i see, you don't like this thread anyway, you don't see the point and you only post in here to argue. So taking from what youve said, were all just posters on this forum. all equal correct? Then stop giving me a lecture on things as if your better than me, as your making yourself look like a hyopcrite.

I have a blog, and as you have decided so nicely to verbally attack me in such a manner i'll gladly ignore you and be the better man and carry on without arguing.
Aion said:
I'm allowed to ramble for twenty paragraphs about my life, depressing/boring everyone to death at Christmas. You aren't. You just have to accept that not everyone is equal - you're Irish.

At least that was more interesting than the usual "hi monoke!", "hi Tachi-", " good evening guys" inanity that goes on in here. At least you were actually getting something important off your chest, rather than just narcissistic, self-important commentaries on the details of everyday occurrences (which is the usual here). At least you used capital letters at the start of sentences and apostrophes .... I cannot say that of much else I've read in here.

Tachi- said:
I've had a PM from chaos. not a bad one, just a talk. so as far as i see, you don't like this thread anyway, you don't see the point and you only post in here to argue. So taking from what youve said, were all just posters on this forum. all equal correct? Then stop giving me a lecture on things as if your better than me, as your making yourself look like a hyopcrite.

Yes, we're all equal, so no one owns anything. I'm glad you've come around to my way of thinking. And so quickly, too! It was only yesterday you were saying and implying on numerous occasions that we are not all equal because you, as creator of this thread, have ownership over it. But I'm glad you've admitted you were wrong, and now we should indeed just continue with wherever this thread takes us. And I'm starting to like it in, so I'm sure I'll stick around for a bit :]
We're all ****s. The thing is, some are tighter than others. Some people just need to loosen up - there's no point getting all serious, typing endless messages and arguing, on an anime forum.

Seriously, grow up guys.
I've not admitted anything. stop being so smug and thinking you have got one up on me. As for starting to like it in here and wanting to stick around. be my guest, the intent of this thread was so that people can talk to each other in a civilized manner.
Something you can keep in mind i supposed, baring in mind you've admitted your not liked by many people on here, don't you think being nice to people for a change might aid your acceptance around the forums? Hopefully you might actually fit in and befriend those who don't like you ;)

On a nicer note where everybody isn't being a sad bastard and arguing over trivialities, Aion am i to take it that i'm meant to be Russian now? lol
You did admit you were wrong. You said you owned the thread and therefore had the right to boss others around in the interest of "peace". Now you've just said that we're all equals. That seems like an unequivocal admission that you were wrong when you said you were more equal than others.

Aion said:
We're all ****s. The thing is, some are tighter than others. Some people just need to loosen up - there's no point getting all serious, typing endless messages and arguing, on an anime forum.

Seriously, grow up guys.

The irony there is very much overwhelming and I'm fairly certain you're too clever to have not intended that ... but I'm really not sure .....
No no, i never bossed anyone around. I asked in a civilized manner that people talk to each other in a polite and adult way.
As for owning the thread. I'm the Author according to the forums... If an author/creator writes/creates something then it belongs to them even in essense alone. Otherwise the next time someone posts new artwork or something.....are you saying that the time they took to make such a thing means nothing and that even though they created it, it doesn't belong to them? If that's what your implying, i emplore you to go tell someone in real life that they don't own something they've made, something tells me that they won't take kindly to such a statement.

But then again, i'm not saying i own the thread for any benefits. i know it doesn't entitle me to boss others around, which is why i asked you all to speak nicely to each other, if not as a friend then as a fellow AUKNer. Is that too hard to understand or comprehend that someone can speak to another person without insulting them?
Tachi, you have the right to complain about the way the thread is used, but since you don't own the forum you don't have the right to actually do anything about what anyone else posts here. CG, why make such a big deal of this? If, as you say, Tachi doesn't have ownership over the thread then you can post what you like and he won't be able to do anything about it anyway - but realise others have just as much a right to post inane greetings if they wish.

So Tachi doesn't like discussing serious business here, CG doesn't like small talk (something he and Aion have in common, incidentally). Well I like both, so I'm happy for either of you to to post whatever you like - but reading your arguments about the merits or otherwise of what should be discussed here is possibly the most boring thing I have ever read.

Just my twopenn'orth.
The main difference between us is that I don't shave my **** because it feels weird/uncomfy as the two cheeks move together without any buffer between them.
Aion said:
The main difference between us is that I don't shave my **** because it feels weird/uncomfy as the two cheeks move together without any buffer between them.
Damn you!!! I just had a mental image from hell now!!!!
Right. i've got to say, i'm sick of this too. and Aion...lmao

Anyway, Just got back from lunch. went to a fast food place with leo, he's usually in aberystwyth in wales but for crimbo he's back, and working at lloyds. Sat talking about True blood for half an hour. I've gotta say, if you guys haven't seen it, honestly give it a watch. The story twists and turns constantly, more and more characters are brought in and killed off and romances appear and disappear from ep to ep. I'm finding it really good, since monday i've watched 10 eps (each ep is an hour long) and i only have 2 more to go before the end of the series, then i'll start on the Black lagoon series i got for christmas.

Rather happy with the amount of series i got, rather than being in the house for a few mins then straight back out and heading off to peoples houses, social events and generally just spending time with gf and's just been nice to sit back and relax, watch tv and not have to be so busy for a change.

Haven't had that since the 5 Lost series i watched at the start of the year.

I wonder, if i write this, who's sad enough to actually read this small print?
I think we all need to look within ourselves and ask: why does every supposed woman/girl/jailbait leave this forum?

Honestly, it's tempting to blame Geek's attitude and need to insert himself within/over other men, but I don't think that's the only reason. Perhaps there's not enough femininity being shown; despite us having two homers at one point?

Maybe if we stopped swearing, being opinionated and used '/huggle' more, we'd have more appeal?

For example: *Aion huggles Durial*

It isn't, like, gay, 'cause we're on the net, and if we show (straight) love for one another - suggesting a friendly vibe is present on AUKN - I think we'd attract more possible reasons to serve time in jail.

What are others feelings on this matter?
At the moment, I imagine it's because women tend to have more RL friends (and out there in Reality Land there are socially adept people to ask them out) so they probably have better things to do around Christmas & New Year than post on an anime forum. I think that's likely to be the case anyway, but if they don't return then you might have a point.

I wish there were more women around though, primarily for selfish (but not dodgy) reasons. Having women around seems to nurture my anima, or balance out the testosterone levels or something. Whatever it is it makes the forum a better place.
Females are more interesting to type with - males tend to be idiots. I'd rather talk shoujo than shounen. That's why it saddens me that I only have Geek to have lengthy forum 'discussions' with...
You guys have ruined this thread.

anywayz... just got back from my mate joe's, had a crazy night... started with me mates all going out, went to some bar... watched this bouncer solo like 10 guys at once... he was my best mate btw. after that went into the bar... got this girl a drink... turned out it was jenifer aniston pulled her ofc... had one too many and then... i woke up in my room and my mate joe's house... wtf... jenifer aniston was laying next to me in bed... but i turned to my side... there was a free pizza!!! so i woke up, put my clothes on and walked to work munching this pizza and left aniston there.

so what did you guys get up to?

What? It did happen.
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