The General Conversation Area

lol lucky bugger,

After near 14 years of living down south there's STILL words that catch me out :lol: down yeah they say year as in y-ear......up north/the way i say it is: Yure. And because i was talking to my mates gf who's from newcastle but sounds accents come talking on the phone at works become a task in itself...
Yeah, I've had that before, (Asking for a drink: "I'll have a coke." "Sorry?" "A coke." "Oh! A cowk!") but don't often travel down South. I'm pretty good at understanding accents (even very thick Scottish - lots of tourists from Scotland here) but my problem is when people talk (or mumble) so fast that their sentences blur into single incomprehensible words. That seems to be more and more common now. "cany'aveabookothewinder?" "Sorry?" "Can I 'ave a book out the window?" "Oh, yes... of course.."
Some of our accents can be horrid to understand, but its not really them that will be the problem. Those of us that speak a bit of scots here or there will be so used to switching to use them instead that unless you have at least some knowledge of it, you may get lost. Its not so evident with me, but with others further north of here, you may find they speak weird.
I have been told i do speak kinda fast sometimes, heck i remember in high school i had to repeat myself 4 times for the teacher to understand me in computing. More annoying on my side of things than his i expect.
It's not just the Scots that do the fast speaking thing though Arby, far from it. A while back I had to ask a woman with a Scouse accent to repeat something three times because she was speaking so fast I could barely discern anything. She didn't slow down on the repeats either, which didn't help matters... I just decided a "No, sorry." was the best way out of that one.
Oh yeah for sure, i was just using myself as an example for speaking a tad to fast on occasion. I've encountered a good few who don't know how to slow down and it really can get annoying, not had to deal with the scouse accent though thankfully. I will say though, i'm yet to encounter an irishman who speaks fast, i could only imagine what that'd be like.
lol I can understand everyone else....heavy Scottish accents, heavy Irish accents (growing up in a family where one half is Scottish and the other half is Irish...but both sides living in west Yorkshire :p) understanding peoples no problem until I speak to friend who's part Australian and part welsh....and tends to speak 3X the speed of a normal person. He mumbles alot too so it gets kinda annoying for all of us when he talks :p

99% of the time I’m the one member of my immediate family that doesn't carry an accent. However from time to time (under the influence of alcohol whilst talking to someone who's either northern/ irish/scottish) I acquire my hidden accents :/

Like I said though, there's words that catch me out regardless of what state I am....y-ear/yure,
Awell, it’s not a hindrance really :) it’s just about at multi cultural as I’m willing to be lol
I think everyone does the accent thing when drunk. With regional accents and foriegn accents... except American ones, for some reason. Hmm. I think the desire to fit in combines with the desire to take the piss. ;)

Lurkers, please post... something, anything, anywhere. I'm so bored.
lol i'm not really lurking...but i've got time to chat.

i'm starving, wondering what to have for lunch in 10mins.
How's work going today Ayase?

I think old man Voddas is buried somewhere under a mountain of paperwork.
Wasn't referring to you Tach, you can hardly ever be described as a lurker. :p

How's work? Crap. Quiet. That's why I'm so bored. Though I did just make a single sale of almost £20 which is some consolation.

And another, of £25! This is more like it.
Ahh thats not too bad then...

I honestly don't see the point in these new users who appear....make an account and never post anything....or moreover never log in again. its annoying because if they are willing to open the web page then thats proof enough that their anime make an account and atleast talk to other fans, find out about new and upcoming anime rather than sitting in the dark and lurking every so often. it really gets on my nerves.

Anyway, off to lunch....need to think of something to eat, may give my mate a call, cya in 30mins tops.
I find it annoying at times when people don't stay on forums long too, it does strike me as weird why people would join and leave straight away. The only reason i see people not posting as much at present is down to exams(me), work(you lot) and then the lag, which does seem like the likeliest option at the moment. However it hasn't been as bad today as it has been overall.
I knew I would probably miss reciving a parcel today while I was at work, but have just checked the tracker to see (bear in mind it runs backwards from most recent activity):

8 Dec 2009 11:32:52 AM Hull Van UK Delivery attempted
8 Dec 2009 07:10:07 AM Hull Van UK Out for delivery
7 Dec 2009 06:42:08 PM Hull Depot UK Arrival Scan
7 Dec 2009 06:40:14 PM Hull Van UK Delivery attempted
7 Dec 2009 10:02:36 AM Hull Van UK Out for delivery
7 Dec 2009 01:56:55 AM Hull Depot UK Arrival Scan

The line in bold is an absolute, outright f*cking lie. I was in all day yesterday, my bell was never rung and when I checked the post on my way out this morning there was no card. Plus, for the delivery to be attempted in Scarborough two minutes before the van arrived back at Hull (a distance of 45 miles) the van would have had to travel at 22.5 miles a minute: 1350 miles per hour - mach 2.05.

I hate HDNL.
lol okay. anyway, a long story of my staff are about to get a bollocking for the third time in a couple of days (and the second time today)

All done ^_^

and as were having new people trying on call tonight i get to pass all my work across at 16:00 and chill the last hour or so :p
Good news guys!

My new band has our first gig booked for Jan 16th.

Hopefully, this is the first of many. We've had really good support from the top local band actually, who are think we're gonna take off nicely. If we do, they said they're gonna take us on tour down to Swansea etc., which should be great 8) 8)
Hey Everyone. Have you missed me?

Israel is amazing. I feel like going back there. Also, my friends must be right, I really must have something for women in uniform, those israeli soldiers belong on the catwalk, not in that conflict.

In four days I've hiked in the desert, danced and sung out loud in the dead sea at night, I've stepped in Jordan and took a quick trip to Palestine.

I feel like starting a blog again =)

Also, thanks to everyone who was concerned about the website. The issue is the hosting company. I'll try to resolve this with them until the end of next week, if they can't get the website working properly again, I guess I'll have to change hosts :'(

Spyro201 said:
Good news guys!

My new band has our first gig booked for Jan 16th.
Congrats man! Have you got MySpace or anything like that so I could check your music out??

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