Tachi- said:
lol yeah i don't think i'll be bringing out the Darkness boxset i have hidden in my closet out of disgust of myself lol. it was going for cheap so i bought it, turned out being hentai so it sits in the closet away from the normal anime.
Not just hentai, hentai with maiming and other such monster goes on random creepy egg laying rampage killing people, stuff. I bought them knowing they were hentai, not knowing they were -that- kind. I let my ex keep those.

Same cheap set, HMV?
Tachi - considering your requirements for your chicks crotch, shall we assume you are completely bald, including sack and crack?

(Personally I find that pretty scarey looking, especially when they get ingrown hairs and razor burn, looks like a plucked chicken

*Is more a landing strip girl* I have waxing(followed by depilatory cream since it hadn't gone right waxing) accident scars to cover
*Tries to remember what else was posted today*
Ah, christmas. I really prefer to only buy for people I am really close with and know really well. I don't like some of the stuff I get randomly from people that don't know me, and it never ends up usable, ends up in the closet or sent to a charity shop, as it's never anything ebay-able. I make a point of trying to give really good gifts though, though this year I'm a bit screwed for money and have only bought James one thing so far. Last year I made my flatmate a plush companion cube for christmas, he got me a plush chocobo, win win.
Today has been pretty ****, feel pretty down on myself and my ability to ever succeed. Was thinking about how it's only 3.5 years till 30 and I'm still not successful, I don't even have an ongoing job. :/ The future is bleak.
Though I was slightly more cheered up when my flatmate needed a solution to his inner coat pocket makes phones fall out if bend over dilemma, before he starts using his new phone. Which I was able to sort out without having to go buy anything as I have random stuff for making things and had some things to add snap buttons. Something about doing little tasks like that pleases me. I've always been a bit simple and old fashioned, with the baking and cooking, and the interest in sewing. I wish someone would pay me money to be myself. I'd wear a skimpy catgirl outfit in the process if it helped.