The General Conversation Area

I don't do the Crimbo decks thing myself as I usually go and visit the folks so I won't be home to seem them anyway 9and I am a grumpy old git). But is anyone using anime/manga based decorations?
If i had to pick from just those options it would have to be horny :p but i'm just fine, quite happy at the moment with things. A bit disturbed though by a dream i had this morning which ended the moment i was struck by a car.

How are you doing? :p


Dracos@ Would two festive anime based drawings count that i've got mounted on the wall?
LOL @ ryo's reply,

I'm not Horny, just stating that.....well you wouldn't eat a hairy muffin would you? so why f*** one?

*departs to lunch so that the world of AUKN wil be back to harmony)
On a random note: Just been loking at UP1 and came across this...

It's true what Buu says to Vegito - "So it's Super Vegito now? Is that what I should call you? We really need to work on our names when we transform... I mean 'Super Buu' and 'Super Vegito' aren't really original names anymore!"
Distributors are really not trying much... Buu gets really mad at this. ;)
I'm back!! *catches up on posts*

Tachiiii! *faceplam and head shake*

Dirty git. lol

No decorations for Dracos? Why not? It's like putting your home in fancy dress. I love it! Like Halloween! =D
Voddas said:
No decorations for Dracos? Why not? It's like putting your home in fancy dress. I love it! Like Halloween! =D

I go down to my folks for about a week at Crimbo time so I just can't be bothered to put up decorations just to take them down again.
Chaz said:
Aye, I'd be fine with the tree and a few easy-take-down decor around. Buying pressies is stress enough.

You should try buying pressies with no money or when the money arrives on 24th December...And all along with a house whose central heating is f***ed and one fireplace actually being declared illegal. :p
Hah some of that i can agree with but for the most i like buying presents for people (not as much as i like reciving them but i'm a big kid at heart) The thing is though which stings more getting a gift you could of done without or not getting a gift at all?
And i'm back.

Gotta say, i do enjoy browsing through the little Gizmo shops that appear ever year around christmas time, the urge to buy a Henry hoover Usb vac for £8 was really tempting :p it's something to have on my desk and when things get boring.....i can hoover about on my desk.

Watch tempted to buy Howlings moving castle for £4. and Angels and Demons for £6 too :/

Damn christmas budget will be the death f me.
chaos said:

Let's make dyieing illegal!

hah! What if someone breaks these laws then? what are they going to do, put a corpse on trial :p That's just as bad as saying its illegal to commit suicide. I mean the only way i see that working is if its an attempted suicide but even then the person only gets put on suicide watch with people watching their mental health.

Ah well i'm going to dissappear for a bit now. I may pop back later on depends on how things go.

Till then c'ya all later :)
You will die twice, or double die!!! It's like saying "when I catch you, I'll kill you 10 000 times over!" Worst punishment to be subjected to, I guess... ;)
(Either that or they think they're Itachi... of which it still doesn't work out!)

Stupid laws...