The General Conversation Area

Voddas - Cauldron tofu tastes alot like quorn yea. I can't eat Quorn as it makes me a little ill, probably because it's fungus based, so it makes sense since I also can't do mushrooms. If you were to get proper tofu (asian market :p) and season it nicely it's really good. I used to get some at a Mongolian BBQ back home and that's where I started to regularly eat tofu. (I had tofu, thin beef, pineapple, peppers in mine :p).
Sounds mouth watering. :p

I at least prefer it to Quorn by a Mile. You'd have to be one wierd Vegetarian to want to eat moch meat. But anyway, I hears yah Nyani.

I consider myself a good cook and my horizona are always broadening. :thumb:
What sort of things do you make? I'm not a cook but it's something I like doing (I bake more than I cook though). I mainly do mexican and asian type stuff myself.

I think maybe the mock meat is for people like I was. I was omni all my life, went vegi in late teens so obviously missed a few things, went back to omni as I can't afford the alternates and the choices here aren't as good (Morningstar Farms was the brand I bought back home.)
Nyani said:
What sort of things do you make? I'm not a cook but it's something I like doing (I bake more than I cook though). I mainly do mexican and asian type stuff myself.
Hmm, lots really, Pasta dishes (Lasagne, spagbol, carbonara etc), Noodles, Currys, ratatouille and more. I'll stop there coz I'd start to feel like I was showing off. My mam was/is a cheff so I was brought up cooking. My Grandad was a baker too though I never got into it. Only things I ended up baking were muffins and brownies which usually involved a psychedelic ingredient. (if you catch my drift). Not that I've been able to do anything like that recently. Getting responsible sucks.

Wooh! Not long till go till freedom!! Can't wait to get out of here today.

edit: Good luck with the car.

What you talkin bout Ryo? o_O
Voddas - Let's make a food picture thread \o/ (I'm one of those weird people that takes pics alot so I have pictures of some of the stuff I've cooked or baked, not everything though)
Not into the magic brownies myself. :p

I have my car back. Was £224. Pwease behave from now on Mr Car. >_<
Ryo - I'm glad I didn't name this car. It'd break my heart with how horrible it turned out to be, heh. My PC however is named Glowby.