The General Conversation Area

Ah yes, Cheese Rolling. My favourite time of year.
*puts head in hand and stares off in a glaze*

Off home now all so have a good evenin. *slips away*
Just had a look in the introductions thread... Two new female members? In less than a week? Who are actually posting outside of their introduction threads?

Colour me surprised. Pleased, but surprised. :)

Voddas said:
I don't know why but I too have had sadistic side to the events that occured on 9/11. When I've been bored I've read txts like Ryo, also listened to final phone calls and countless videos. It's such a big event in our life time though. I guess it's not suprising.
Horrible as this thought is, so far it has been the defining moment of this generation. The general political climate of the modern world can be divided into "post Cold War, pre 9/11" and "post 9/11". Life was great for those ten years between 1991-2001 when people weren't convinced of impending doom.
ayase said:
Horrible as this thought is, so far it has been the defining moment of this generation. The general political climate of the modern world can be divided into "post Cold War, pre 9/11" and "post 9/11". Life was great for those ten years between 1991-2001 when people weren't convinced of impending doom.
To expand this further to include economics slightly (and I'm ripping this wholesale from Iain Banks' latest book), we shouldn't look at the past twenty years as the 90s and the 00s, but as one long decade between the first two falls (the wall, and the towers), and a short decade until the third (the markets).
chaos said:
well, at least Nyani I've met in person and I know she's for real.

And with a rule of thumb, if chaos hasn't met you.....your not real ;)

i had a excellent evening :D

sat watching Bleach and its finally got to the ichigo vs kenny fight i've been looking forward to :D
Tachi- said:
sat watching Bleach and its finally got to the ichigo vs kenny fight i've been looking forward to :D
Prepare for power ups and a long pause. lol

Morning mate. Glad you had a good evening. Mine went as well as expected like. Radio went well, got a few more hours of Modern Warfare 2 under my belt and I tried out a new anime (new to me anyway). Quite a decent night actually.

@Ayase: 10 years I will treasure too. That was probably my main experimental stage.
...experimental as in drinking, smoking etc, I don't mean in a He! The Ulltimate Wepon! kind of way.
Unlucky. :(

I'm not so bad. Just sat in work myself. Having a quiet week for a change so just chilling and surfing in between work.

...also trying not to clock watch. I'm terrible for it! O_O
That's what I'm saying. ¬_¬

Ah well, managed to let the time slip by so far. An hour till lunch now and then it's the home straight till finish.

Gonna catch up on my Claymore and Besrek probably. Haven't read any for some time now. Depends if it stays quiet like.

edit: Morning Robin Ryo Williams.
Morning all.

Truly the 90s were a golden age Voddas... though I can't help but think the constant threat of nuclear annihilation was somehow better. The Cold War seemed to make people more pro-active in a good way to try and achieve peace, as opposed to this ****** "War on Terror" which is just making people (of various colours and religions) angry bigoted racists.

Anyway, [/depression] and I'm back at work and having my first awful cup of coffee of the morning after washing the floor. I pretended I was on the deck of a 19th Century tall ship to keep myself entertained.
i'm ill now, i just drank some milk that seems to have gone off, despite having another week before it expires XD

elsewhere, project "annoy manga" is working, got 2 e-mail already demanding my team removes it's logo from their avatars :D