The General Conversation Area

I like the Mai-Hime one too Ryo and I'm hoping to get it after Christmas :)

Great news about School Rumble boxset as I have been meaning to get the rest of it seeing as I won't get to finish my art box :D

and hiya skikes and KevinB :)

problem is mono, i think u can only get it by buying the limited edition vol 7 single, unless Bandai have change it

incidently, am i the only one who can't stand the dub? Texas Shizuru doesn't work

this might cheer u up

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
Ryo Chan said:
I like the Mai-Hime one too Ryo and I'm hoping to get it after Christmas :)

Great news about School Rumble boxset as I have been meaning to get the rest of it seeing as I won't get to finish my art box :D

and hiya skikes and KevinB :)

problem is mono, i think u can only get it by buying the limited edition vol 7 single, unless Bandai have change it

incidently, am i the only one who can't stand the dub? Texas Shizuru doesn't work

I know that I need to get the LE volume 7 to get it Ryo :p
KevB try this web site dvd.reviewer for DVD region hacks, I tend to find most of the ones I need for myself and friends there.

Sciatica from the trapped nerve in my back has been playing me up today. I can't remember the last time it was like this. I felt like a right gimp hobbling around the office today.
Thanks for the pointers guys, but no luck on the region hack for my DVD player.

I have just finished Ouran. and I thought it was very good, and that it leaves you wanting more.

The other film I watched over the weekend was The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Which was good fun but not as good as the first couple of mummy films, due to the recasting of Evelyn.

Found this on an other forum I lurk on The Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody.
KevinB said:
Thanks for the pointers guys, but no luck on the region hack for my DVD player.

I have just finished Ouran. and I thought it was very good, and that it leaves you wanting more.

The other film I watched over the weekend was The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Which was good fun but not as good as the first couple of mummy films, due to the recasting of Evelyn.

Found this on an other forum I lurk on The Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody.

Im watching ouran as i post this... almost at the end, its come too soon :(

Would love to see it get another season or movie. Obv not gonna happen.
Goood Morninnnnng Ichiiiiigooooooo :p

Went and saw that second twilight film lastnight. i liked it, much more violence than the previous just seemed to go on forever lol went in at 8.00, didn't get out till 10:55 and then went for garlic bread and chips, then went home and stuffed my face :p

Ryo: i hope the physio works....a friends sister dropped a plate on her foot the other month, it apparently cut the tendon in her foot and only this last wekend, she's had an operation on it.
(any cuts to the feet or legs really don't bode well with me, always been fearful of falling from a great height and landing on my feet, and my shins snapping and coming out through the skin.)

not even 9am and somebodies come into the office asking for an application form? SOD OFF, I DON'T WORK FOR YOU, YOU CAN WAIT TILL I'M READY!
Supping my Energy drink and staring into the abyss that is the interweb... I can already tell it's going to be a long day. Luckly I have some recent Claymore and Berserk manga to read if I get the chance. Here's to hoping my work day flys in.
*swigs drink and then continues to stare blankly at his monitor*
Morning Voddas :)

Have a good few days off?

I think todays going rather swiftly (timewise) *raises his cup of water* here's to a quick and painless day lol

Funny you should mention manga, i've brought along some Bleach with me, its abit strange watching the anime to the manga i've collected and read ages ago. (kinda makes me abit annoyed that i didn't buy the anime straight off, manga's to expensive lol)
Manga's more expensive because in most cases it's better than than it's corresponding anime. Well, that's what I find anyway. I don't read too much manga. Find it empties the wallet too quickley and it's more time consuming. Not to mention the effort lol.
Naah, just messing. I love to read manga. I just find anime easier to watch/read when I'm, say, eating or in bed getting settled for the night. Anyway yeah...

Morning Tachi :p
Days off were ok. Got a load of jobs done that needed to be done. I did that much, you could say I never had a day off at all. Still beats coming into work hands down like.

*raises energy drink* Oh, and I'll drink to that. 8)

lol Gdgd, i suppose more D.I.Y on the house huh?

I've gotta say, for all i've said about the cost of manga, i still have a long shelf full of it :lol: i think the reason its good is because its small, practical whilst on the move and easy to carry around. it may take about an hour to read (if i'm doing other things at the same time) however, when i'm ligged in bed, winding down to go to sleep or just relaxing....anime is a key winner, just put it on and veg infront of the tv lol no brain activity needed.
Not DIY mate. Just cleaning. ¬_¬
Having your own house sux when it comes to the cleaning side of things. I was hoovering, polishing, scrubbing, bleaching etc etc. Fun. =S

My Manga may not be in large supply but my anime collection has increased somewhat since my last post of it. It's now closing in on my other (non-anime) DVD collection which is pritty mad. Will have to take a picture and post it at some point. Heh.

Oh, ment to ask if you got anything good for your Birthday?
Ahh, i guess thats where you and your other half have to muck in and blitz the house every so does feel better afterwards atleast you can relax now lol

Erm, not really anything material.
the past few weeks the lads have been coming back to luton for a birthday piss up. and on saturday me, sam, hazel and my gf where all in town playing pool and drinking and joking. that black guy (the one who was being really off with me for no reason the other time....was there and being a prick. but thankfully i have a mate behind the bar so it didn't really matter lol too often) So the going out and spending time with the lads and drinking was my present from them.

From work i got a £20 HMV voucher,
same from my gf (altho she's still not given me that....apparently she was rushed out of the door by beckah and james lastnight and forgot it) *facepalms*
£50 from my dads parents,
Nothing from my mums parents,
£15 from my mums sister, her husband and my cousin (no not each lol) and thats about it really.

I spent the £50 on saturday night. And i still have the vouchers (hell i still have my 18th birthday voucher, £20 Topman voucher from work lol)

Gf said i'll get her "proper present" on sunday so i'm looking forward to opening that one :lol: