The General Conversation Area

Sounds like the man is bringing us down Ayase. Looks to me like a hoohaa over nothing. Surely people have the choice to do this. It's not like pirates are involved... or are they... *rubs chin in a thoughtfull manner*

@Mono: Excel Excel!! Good choice. Not up to much at the mo myself. About to head off for some lunchen right now like.

Be back in 30 ! *grabs bait and slides out the door*
Not bad thanks :) I've been spending a lot of time down in Oxford with my mum and dad recently for various family events, gigs and so on, so I've been a bit off the radar myself :) but I'm getting back into the anime watching again now with the spring season starting.
How about you, up to much (apart form work)? Still loving being an uncle? Started wedding planning yet?
Only wedding plan made is the date. Looking to book ourselves in to the church in May 2011. Don't really want to wait that long but I want it to be all nice for Sarah. Be worth it once we've saved up. Gives us heaps of time to get it organised stress free too. Which is nice. ^__^

Still loving being an Uncle. Bear had doubled in size since birth already. It's quite scary. Just been round to see him in my lunch break actaully. He's only just learned how to smile and he was doing loads before. HE'S SO CUTE!!!

Ahem... Myself, I've not really been upto much over the last month and a half. Just working LOADS. So glad the tax year rush has passed now. I can relax a little.

Off to Portugal in June!! Can't wait. Just really need a break from everything. Slouching in the sun with a cold beer will probably do the trick. Heh.
May 2011 will soon come around - and to be honest it takes that long to plan a wedding properly!
Glad to hear your nephew is so well :) my niece has started walking now and I can't believe how quick she's growing! I'm going to be an aunt again in a few weeks - my sister-in-law is due at the beginning of May :)
Bet you're looking forward to Portugal - I'm jealous, the furthest I'm going to be going this summer is Edinburgh! I've got Ayacon to look forward to as well tho I guess lol
I suppose it's not that far off. Time seems to be getting faster and faster now anyway.

Scotland! Sounds good to me. You don't have to leave the country to have a holiday mind :)

Congrats! Aunty Panda a second time ay. Heh. Crazy thing is, I don't remember growing that fast but then again it doesn't feel that long ago since I was in school. Now I'm a 9 till 5 home owner with all my own responsibilities.

What I'd give for no stress and a frequent nappy change. Ahhh... that'd be the life. ^__________^ - *relaxes*
ayase said:
@Otaku - I'm not showing off, honest. I just liked the Otaku Town / Otaku State referance. Plus we all know there's only one Otaku-san. :p

fair enough, just thought id get my game face on

That's what happens when Otaku goes to powder his nose.

@Black (When he's on). Yes! It is I! I wouldn't leave you all like that boyo! I did say before I disapeared that I had a heavy month ahead.

I'm back now like!!!! :D