The General Conversation Area

Mutsumi said:
memorium said:
are those the french movies? or something different? i'm confused, there's so many movies with the word "Taxi" in them :p

Yes, the French ones. :D

Subbed not dubbed obviously. Dubs for live-action usually suck because you notice when the lip-syncing is even slightly off, unlike in anime where it is easy to sync.
i've seen one of them, can't remember which one :lol:
basically its exaclty the same as what i do in the office....but i'll be overseeing bedfordshire AND hertfordshire......rather than just beds and part of herts. apparently in the next few weeks i'll be overseeing the PCT side all the Admin will come under me too ¬_¬

i better get a raise in pay for this.
I'm also looking forward to the beggining of the year to see how raises and bonus will be done this year.

I expect a nice raise and a nice bonus, that will happen one way or another :p
Being on call sucks. Hope you don't get a call Tachi. :p

Anywho, hope everyone has a better than average weekend. I'm gonna close down and try get out of work early today. Sounds like a plan! Will maybe pop on over the weekend but it will more likely be Monday as if I'm at my PC doing something other than work... I'll be on COD:MW2... nothing more. XD

Ciao for now people. *vacates with a skip in his step*
lmao yeah if the fone doesn't ring...i'm not going to touch the damn thing.

thankfully its only till 8 ^_^

then off to town and get myself hammered

WHOOOO i'm really looking forward to the following weekends :D
Yeah, something like £30 odd quid for 2.5 hours "work"

or in my case....i'll have a few cans, play dynasty warriors...and sort out as and when it needs it :)
and at 8pm....turning the thing off. getting showered and shaved (maybe on that last one...its abit cold out so i may leave the stubble) an then head off out....knowing me though, i'll have the lads over anyway :p


cya all.
Tachi- said:
Yeah.....i've been feeling dizzy and faint all if i could black out :/

Kite? as in a proper kite? a flying kite?
Kite as in the action / hentai anime film.
I know how to make kites and did quite a few in my childhood.
I thought Kite was an OVA?

Afternoon people... I'm only here in body and not in mind. Feel rough as hell today. Sarah's getting hit by a cold and I'm feeling the overflow.