The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
I've purposefully disappeared from certain places on the internet myself in the past. I think I just get bored of communities I'm a part of after a while, I never really feel anchored to anything either online or IRL. If I had the cash I'd do it in real life too... move around every couple of years for the experience, whenever I travel I get the urge to move to the places I'm travelling through.

I know the feeling. I've got a good long list of forums I've been part of but then left.

Ayacon forums when they closed after the 2002 convention & the community migrated to...
Anime Europe where a rift in the community due to overmodding by a clique of mods who let power get to their heads caused half of the community to leave & form...
Anime England, which I take credit for suggesting as a name to the founder, Snap. I left there because of a small group that were really annoying, & stopped doing forums for a while.

In between some of those I was part of AnimeLeague, though I'm not entirely sure why since it was almost entirely american at that point. I've left & rejoined AnimeLeague several times now.

I even left here once too, but that was mainly due to leaving the internet in general. A few of you would remember me the first time around as I was the meet organiser here. :D
Mmmm, pizza... was peckish so I just went and get a Toffee Crisp from the vending machine. Plus, I hadn't seen one for ages.

Sounds like you had a pritty relaxed night. As I said, I ended up staying up till 3.30. Pritty stupid really since I was falling asleep at 11.00. Should have just gone to bed. Guess the need to game it and anime it was greater. It happens. =P

Last night, went to next with Sarah to get her friend a bday present, then went to ASDA for tea supplies. Had Chilli with rice (niice) and after washes, flaked out on the sofa with 2 episodes of Flashforward. Sarah then went tobed. I tucked her in and went on the PC and played two hours of COD. Then I migrated downstairs to watch more Spice and Wolf. Really enjoying it actually. It has a slight Ghibli feel to it for some reason. Probably the whole Wolf God thing. =P

You know the rest... 3.30 = bed, 8.00 = wake up and thereafter = work.

Sorry for late reply. Load of peoplecalled in sick and I'm drowning in extra jobs. T_T

edit: Morning Chaos and Mutsumi. ^^
Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
In 99 I had a job that made me move from city to city every other week. I never had so much fun as during those months.

I've had a few jobs that required loads of travelling before. I just wish I could find one of these again.
Driving? Now that must have been the high life.
On a somewhat different note, us pedestrians now have a new toy to try out.

why did that video have me singing snow patrol - Chasing Cars?

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh irony
Tachi- said:
Ahh fair enough mate,

Still having the couchsurfers thing?
Yeah, still doing Couch surfing, but my friends from yesterday were completely unrelated. it's just a brazilian friend who went on holidays there and brought me some snacks and hard to find in britain stuff.
No, i usualy have 1.30....and when i went to the toilets. and came back one said "can i have the late lunch" and i said ....ok, But i want the second latest then and the other one said "no, i've already called it" **** em, i'm going last unless they have a proper reason to go late.
I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown shortly. With having 50% staff missing we're having an unusually busy day... and to top it of, my Boss in Weston Super Mare is hounding me. Good thing we're not in the same office, otherwise I would have broken their kneck by now. God dam it's a bad day.
F*** me! *WHAM!* Head vs glass computer desk = Fail.
I really am stressed today, I've never felt so damn angry since I had a go at my dad because of some stupid maths problem.

Woke up 30mins late, work's been crap for one reason or another, I forgot my reservation for an item I wanted to pick up, and I was pathetic at UFC today (loosing to my sparring partner twice is just an embarassment). Plus I had to pay for parking at Fishergate Centre, which cost me £4.50 and I might have to go back there for my 2nd shift! Argh!
We had nice train delays earlier this morning. My usual train is the 8:22, but because of delays and cancellations, I simply couldn't get into it. Then, the next one, the 8:29 was also completely crowded - impossible to get in again and that considering I'm small and unpolite enough to push people if I need to get in the train.

Finally, I've got into the 8:36 train. I thought I was sorted, but then that damned train stopped for over 30 minutes! My boss was not amused and I think I need to wake up earlier... but then again, being late is in my genes. So hard to be on time... :p