The General Conversation Area

lmao sorry Voddas, forgot you come on here to get away from taxwork....and here we are mentioning tax.....whats the irony on that? Must be very taxing at the mo eh Voddas? ;)

*goes and checks MAL*
Tachi- said:
But where's the preventative measures in people just being lazy and not bothering to get a job, staying at home and getting tax exemption along with a living benefits to live/buy food.

... <trimmed>

Its people like that who abuse the system....that really piss me off....
Imagine hwo a guy like me who pay taxes and is not even allowed any benefits feels :p
Prosecuting or even arresting the benefit thieves is as important as giving benefits themselves or else the benefit bill just becomes insurmountable for the usual tax payer. I do believe that cases like you described, tachi, are the exception and not the rule. otherwise the whole system would be broken by now already.

Tachi- said:
Taxing the rich however....just go for it, when i play sim city i lower the tax's to start off with, then when i have a load of $$$ population...i raise the tax's so bloody high they don't know what hits em!
But here's the thing. Rich people are extremely mobile. I cannot think of one single country which would not accept me if I had a million pounds. I don't even need to know how to speak english to have a visa in the UK if I had that money... :p ... l/#header1
lol anyway....

Hope you enjoy DMC Mono, its a good series, and all in one dvd case, how convenient ^_^

I was wondering the other day....You know people go missing and people end up dead rather alot (just look at that unhappy halloween thread) well if say, I where to go out on friday, got bottled and i would you guys know? to you lot it'd be a "oh.....he's stopped posting in a while"

Only select few on here know my real name. so unless it came up on the national news.....and only came out in the countywide news.....even those who know my true name wouldn't be aware that i'm dead.

it lead me to wonder.....have some of the old posters died? its a possibility.
Tachi- said:
I was wondering the other day....You know people go missing and people end up dead rather alot (just look at that unhappy halloween thread) well if say, I where to go out on friday, got bottled and i would you guys know? to you lot it'd be a "oh.....he's stopped posting in a while"

Only select few on here know my real name. so unless it came up on the national news.....and only came out in the countywide news.....even those who know my true name wouldn't be aware that i'm dead.
I try to email / pm people I've spoke / discussed to in here sometimes, just to say hi.
Some reply, some don't. In your case, I'd try to call you.
I had a couple of online friends I know they died - it's really weird to have their emails bouncing or having facebook telling me to "reconnect".
I've known many internet based friends who have just disapeared. I'd hate to start thinking if the reason was because they have been killed/or died for what ever reason. It's much nicer to assume they've just moved on with their life. Tbh, I'd rather not know...

*stops checking Tachi's Facebook* ;)
I've purposefully disappeared from certain places on the internet myself in the past. I think I just get bored of communities I'm a part of after a while, I never really feel anchored to anything either online or IRL. If I had the cash I'd do it in real life too... move around every couple of years for the experience, whenever I travel I get the urge to move to the places I'm travelling through.

I do like AUKN though, I can't see myself leaving here for a long time, and I'd tell you guys if I did. ;)
*wells up*

I'm the same as Ayase. I used to haunt a few wensites in my past whether it be film, anime or game related. A big one for me is when I've been in Game related clans. I must admitted I've faded from a few of them. I stay in touch with the people I liked though. Same applies for this Forum. AUKN has been good to me. (kept me from working more like it) lol
ayase said:
...whenever I travel I get the urge to move to the places I'm travelling through.
In 99 I had a job that made me move from city to city every other week. I never had so much fun as during those months.

I've had a few jobs that required loads of travelling before. I just wish I could find one of these again.
chaos said:
In 99 I had a job that made me move from city to city every other week. I never had so much fun as during those months.

I've had a few jobs that required loads of travelling before. I just wish I could find one of these again.
Driving? Now that must have been the high life.
On a somewhat different note, us pedestrians now have a new toy to try out.
Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
In 99 I had a job that made me move from city to city every other week. I never had so much fun as during those months.

I've had a few jobs that required loads of travelling before. I just wish I could find one of these again.
Driving? Now that must have been the high life.
On a somewhat different note, us pedestrians now have a new toy to try out.
Driving. I've drove in excess of 20k miles. We had to keep records to claim petrol expenses.
One thing to keep in mind though is that it wasn't necessarily pretty concrete roads. They were rather dirty, if you know what I mean =)
Morning Mate,

I decided to stay in (rather than go to my gf's house) two reasons really, i was tired...and only had £5 on me, and that isn't going to cover there and back again. oh and i lost my card in the house so spend an hour searching for it....turned out i'd left it in my 3quarters that i was chillin in on saturday.

Ordered a Meteor large pizza and got a ham an pineapple one free....ate half of each and then went to bed, talked to Kayls till 12.30ish and then had a look on the chatroom on here, then downloaded podcasts to my ipod....before i knew it, my "early night" was 1.30 *facepalm*

As my mum was in bitch mode (thanks to my stupid sibling) i didn't have chance to bring the pizza in. So its at home....and i'm here with sod all to eat! :(

How was your evening?