The General Conversation Area


Tachi- said:
No, its not that bit....its against religion butting into the laws of the land and the way we all live, stopping certain religions from going into other countries and changing everything to suit them.
Sometimes you scare me Tachi. Dont'get me wrong, I think its awfull to try and force your view onto others, but still, I believe that freedom is the practice to say what you will. If others will listen or not, it's up to them.

Religion and politics shoud be set apart agree with that. About the way we live, well that's really complicated. Laws are hugely based on moral codes. Things like "it's wrong to have slaves" have not been commom sense in the past. Christianism originated far from here, but still the british society has largely adopted christian values.

Why does law have to enforce that a man or woman can only marries one person at a time?
Why attempted suicide is illegal in many places? It was illegal in Britain before as well, although it's not now.

Religion influences the sense of moral and justice of people and this influences laws on the other hand.

When things like that happen you should just laugh. Laws will be passed by the "majority". There's a group of extremists wanting sharia law? Here you go - that's the way to the airport where you can get a ticket to this arab country which has sharia law!
*Puff of smoke resulting in his body going limp*

I think I over did it... :(

You won't find any two countries that'll hold the exact same laws and or beliefs. There's so much variety in the world, I wouldn't want to change it otherwise it would be boring. Plus I wouldn't be able to go to Amsterdam for a smoke.
lol why do i scare you? you pretty much agree with everything i do on this matter, as i agree with everything you've also just said.

I'm not too bothered about religion, i have my own opinion on religion anyway, that its all a farce...but the fact that its based on morals is a good thing, the only time it becomes a problem is when it interferes with laws or starts to impose upon people (pressurising its beliefs on people) and finally, when when its follows take its words the wrong way, or selective worshipping.

For instance, a certain religion has a "rule" in their holy book that states their not allowed to live in a none "insert their religions name here" country....yet their living in a christian country? And then in the same book they condone honour killings? its beggars belief it really is.

anyway, i'm off to lunch
Tachi- said:
lol why do i scare you? you pretty much agree with everything i do on this matter, as i agree with everything you've also just said.
Tachi- said:
...especially in banking....where a certain religion states that they should never pay interest on things. And the banks have bloody fallen for it. yet the rest of us have to pay interest on if we have a loan.

Wouldn't it be nice to never have to pay interest?

Seriously though - let them speak as much as they want. the thing is, we should just not listen. Regardless of belief, people will want to make other see their own way. I know I do.
It is were for me, everybody would be an anime fan, for Chrissakes!;)

From your first post it sounded like you didn't even wanted they to go and demonstrate.
chaos said:
Wouldn't it be nice to never have to pay interest?

lol i know....but what i'm saying is, why should one religion be so bloody lucky not to have to pay tax lol. why not let everyone have the same treatment!
I think your sleep deprived Tachi. I'm seriously undertanding what you way the other way.. you sounded like you were against it in the first place.

Go grab yourself a giant cup of coffee mate!
lol To clear matters, in the first place i was against the Islamic group.

Yes i know i have made a short dig at the Muslims aswell. but what i'm overall saying is.....Leave the country as it is (laws wise) don't intergrate other countries followings simply because they protest. And that goes to everyone's religions and beliefs.

We have our own laws, leave em be.
Or else....if some religions have butted in and get their followers special treatment, at that point you either stop the special treatment or you give it to everyone. no specialist treatment.

In a ideal (Tachi) world...things would be simplistic. It'll be survival of the able. if you believe that you should be Barred from'd be told to leave the country. Tax's pay for the country. its emergency services, road and building maintenance and other things....And in my little world: like hell anyones getting special treatment.
LOL ohhhhhhhhhhh i see whats happened here

Tachi- said:
No, its not that bit....its against religion butting into the laws of the land and the way we all live, stopping certain religions from going into other countries and changing everything to suit them.

The bolded part is the confusion

Chaos thought you were refering to religion being against something and you supporting them when infact you were refering to the group being against religion and supporting the group.
Tachi- said:
We have our own laws, leave em be.
Or else....if some religions have butted in and get their followers special treatment, at that point you either stop the special treatment or you give it to everyone. no specialist treatment.
I do think that special treatment is ok, but it all depends on the situation. One situation that comes to mind is higher taxes for the richer and tax exemption for the poorer.

I do think it must be done in a rational way and the liberties of one should not be restrictions on others. Provided that, I think it's ok to have different treatment for some, because I don't believe in the equal treatment of different people.
Skikes go bye bye? Sorry, I've been in a meeting with an area manager. I complained to much to her I think ..... ah well, it's done now.

Afternoon Mono. :D How's education been handling you today?
I understand where your coming from.

But where's the preventative measures in people just being lazy and not bothering to get a job, staying at home and getting tax exemption along with a living benefits to live/buy food.

It'd Need people to be looking into things very stringicly.
For example, my friend bens mum claims that she has back problems....and gets benefits for her to sit on her **** and do sweet F.A to benefit the country (paying tax's or working on its own) Whenever i go round their house is spotless as she tidies everyday. And one of the main things needed to get her benefits... is to be almost bed ridden, and unable to make a sandwich. Sounds stupid but is 100% true.

Now she drives a manual car (more straining than an automatic)
Tides everyday and cooks every meal for the family.
me and my other friends have had our opinions and said to ben about his mum being a scrounger on the benefit system.
He had his house paid off by the council aswell. not a council house. but as She had no job and was on benefits they wheren't able to support themselves. so the council wrote off their debts on their mortgage.

Its people like that who abuse the system....that really piss me off, especially as i pay my tax's, not only for his mum to get benefits she shouldn't have, but as his family income is under 30grand, he used to get a EMA £30 a week, and bonuses every term!

Taxing the rich however....just go for it, when i play sim city i lower the tax's to start off with, then when i have a load of $$$ population...i raise the tax's so bloody high they don't know what hits em!

edit: @Mono: Sweet! You gonna get some DMC on the go tonight then? Never seen it myself, but heard some good things.[/i]