The General Conversation Area

i'm great thanks mono :) i'm going out to TGI Fridays for our anniversary meal

@Tach i don't think they would make Nero the de facto main character i see him more of sharing the spot light with Dante, or if Capcom want to make more money, make two sperate games, one with soley Dante and on with Nero (and they can't be cheap with them and do what they did with DMC2)

I always amused myself by wondering what would of happened if Capcom let other things use Dante (like they dd with Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call, where you fought Dante and could recruit him to your party). Imagine Dante in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Shut up Tachi! (refers to "bought today thread") :lol:

I'll be the next to make a move then. Have a good night all. :D

Ciao for now. *thrusts out of the door*
Morning one and all!

*Stomach tackles itself*

GAH! Damn I'm I'm hungry. I guess skipping breakfast for extra sleep wasn't such a hot idea... *growl*

Be still my pet....
Morning Chaos.

Not so bad here. Looks to be a long day in work though. :roll:

Just had a Snicker to keep my blood sugar up. Otherwise I may passout. lol

Hows yourself?

OOh! I finished 2nd Semester last night. :D