The General Conversation Area

well if you want to be disturbed so much



i saw that when i google searched "fat otaku's" but the sailor moon thing is widely known and i'm not as cruel as you, to post a man-faye *cringes*

i'm thinking of spending money on either anime....or a charger for my ipod....i'm going crazy with this moronic radio station (heart) they must have a collective IQ of 101 between the whole staffing team behind the stupid radio show. ( and most of that 101 is the garbage man)
You've taken the bullet for others and turned the page Voddas. Well done.

As for me... I love Adblock. ::blocks man-faye image:: Ha ha ha!
fair enough mate.

I'm mates mum crashed her sam can't drive us to the gym....and she has the cheek to complain that she crashed because i code locked her radio. pfft.

i was trying to sort out the cassette her radio's just too old to work properly.
Tachi- said:
...and she has the cheek to complain that she crashed because i code locked her radio.
I'm sure you did that on purpose. Code lock stereos is the next thing to do on the sabotage list, right after cutting the breaks... >>

She drives a 12 year old it needed help with ballsing itself up lol.

My mate said can i take a look at it (as i got it working the other day) so i pressed exactly the same buttons i pressed then asked for a code, so i went to turn it off.. it refused to turn off so sam pressed random buttons and it went into SAFE mode....which was annoying. so i got out the manual....which then fcuked the car right up...the bloody thing wasn't in english so i had to translate from german....and between the two of sorta didn't work lol,

Top set german.....thanks for nothing.
i think i discovered something amazing

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

and learning a language in school is USELESS!

i "learnt" French, but i couldn't actually speak it! it was just loads of vocab! :evil:
I want to learn french and german if I can find the time.
Maybe those audio lessons?

I can make sense out of French, enough for holidays or to read Tintin, but far from enough to read Sartre though.

It's a pretty language, although it might confuse english speakers as you don't have a thousand verb conjugations according to person, number, tense, etc...
Ryo Chan said:
you've just ruined a perfectly good anime song for me, burn :(
i fail to see how this cover is bad, it's better than the other one, where the guy just Tremolo Picks the guitar melody and makes it sound like Melodic Black Metal (that cover was made with guitar pro as well)

i actually played Lilium at a Guitar Showcase the school does not long back, i'll see if i can get the DVD of it 8)