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good. I've just started second semester second volume yesterday. The culture festival arc was really funny =)
I also find that school rumble has some of the greatest comedy characters I've ever seen and I'm considering it's place in my top ten.
I'm also very impressed with the series myself. FMP was the last anime that made me smile and laugh so much. School Rumble I think has pipped FMP to the post though. Some of the comedy is just genius. I'm slightly gutted that I onlyhave the final OVA to watch now.

edit: Morning Skikes. I'm too too tired to entertain your dolphin beating discussion. *yaawn*
Certainingly not voddas, that was yesterday. Today is a whole new day with so many possibilities.... Fellatio, cunnilingus, space docking, plumpkins?

Im hungry... would love a bap stuffed with cheese and onion crisps, cheese and philadelphia yum!
morning skikes, we sure missed the lulz you cause here =)

Voddas I know the feeling. School Rumble is surprisingly funny. Of course the idea behind it is to put as manyu girls as possible to cater for all sort of male audiences, so you end up having favourites.

There are so many likeable characters, some really well developed like Eri some not so well developed like Lala (or even Tenma).

Favourite characters have to be Eri and Yakumo. They are the ones with the better development of the whole series, as well as the ones that causes the most hilarious scenes of all.
chaos said:
Favourite characters have to be Eri and Yakumo. They are the ones with the better development of the whole series, as well as the ones that causes the most hilarious scenes of all.
You took the words right off of my keyboard. I'd have to say that Haima is my top male character by far though. He's the comedy relief in a comedy. Tenma's probably one of my least favourites... probably because she's that dumb.

@Skikes: I freaking love Cheese and crisp sarnies!!
Morning people. i've been lurkin....listening to Ricky gervais podcasts and reading online.

I came across somethng that validates why stand against certain things.

Stayed up till the early hours watching FMA.
So tired -____________-
hey if it gets me through the day.....its still better than listening to heart radio, The same 15 song playlist....played everyday 5 days a week.

On weekends....they play decent music, during the week its bollocks.
Atleast listen to some decent comedians... Ricky gervais is just an asshole and every1 got confused and thought he was being ironic and now he's a millionaire. Thats ********! Im an asshole everyday and no1 gives me money!!
Afternoon Tachi. *supplies yo*

20 mins till I can go fro my lunch... damn I'm hungry this morning. Thanks to skikes, I wish I was gonna be eating a cheese and crisp sarnie like. ¬_¬

Curses! DX
I like him. he's also a part of this group:

Which after reading this: ... e-isl.html

Just hits home that people are pissed off with other countries changing things. and religion butting its retarded face into peoples lives.

i'm alright with everyone being equal. but **** off making us all convert to another countries laws. and forget religion taking priority.... especially in banking....where a certain religion states that they should never pay interest on things. And the banks have bloody fallen for it. yet the rest of us have to pay interest on if we have a loan.

/Sleepy rage
So he's part of a group that tells you religion and nations want power? what a revelation! God why dont more people know about this!?! WE MUST TELL THE PEOPLE!!!! WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

...wheres my millions :(
No, its not that bit....its against religion butting into the laws of the land and the way we all live, stopping certain religions from going into other countries and changing everything to suit them.
By the sounds of it...Voddas had a late night.

I stayed up till late watching FMA, and really didn't want to get out of bed this morning ¬_¬
He's not wrong. I was up till 3am watching anime also. :p

Missing breakfast was probably a big factor like. Full of energy now!
*Hair starts to stand up and his eyes light up*