Morning all. i'm knackered!
urgh yesterday was too much for one day.
Woke up and went to work for 9. worked 9 - 5.15 Went down to where the buses are in town. Saw a vending machine....put a quid refused to serve me ANY drink. and wouldn't give my money back either.
Put my second quid in the other machine and got a powerade.....then realised that was the quid i was saving for the bus *facepalm* took out a tenner....then went to greggs...bought 2 bottles of lucozade and then with the change went to the bus, got on before it set off. on the way i called Sam and then hazel organised a meet up at the pub at 8.
Got home at 10 to 6. got changed, packed my gym bag and went downstair as sam pulled up infront of the house. got in the car, turned on the ipod....bringing it back with some marvin gaye - sexual healing. Edwin star - WAR. bob marley - Bad boys. and whoever sings that song "baaaby, love really hurts without you, but your breaking my heart so what should do, baby!" Both of us singing away all the way to the gym.
Got there and i wanted to have a look in the JJB upstairs. Sam had remembered the Student card they'd asked for but forgot his actual members badge lol. they let him in anyway....went and got changed. then got a txt off of richard (we used to work together in I.T years ago. his mum is actually the recruitement nurse for the dept i work for right now) So we had a bit of a catch up whilst doing a 20min run. then headed to the rowing machines for 20mins, then weight training for around 40mins (there's no timers whilst doing weights so you dunno how long your working for) Then 20mins on the bikes......whilst rowing we had a spinning class infront of us.....their bloody mental!!
after all this we went back to the changing rooms, got changed again. went to the swimming pool and did about 10mins of laps....then decided to sit in the Sauna and just talk. Got out and went back to the showers. then back to the changing rooms and started getting dressed, thats when i noticed the 5 txts, 3 missed calls and 2 voicemail messages

My mum and hazel where trying to get hold of me. thats when we realised it was 8.40

So got out of there double time and went back to the car, heading back to luton we played pendulum, Kid Cudi, clubbing music in general. Sams speakers don't like bass increased tech

so sam dropped me off just before the turning to his road and i ran up the road to my house. saw hazel explained things and headed to my room, got changed into jeans and a tshirt, threw my jacket on and then we set off round the corner, knocked for sam, headed round the other corner and turned up at the pub. realised the calvery was being starving ordered deserts and had mini cheddars and a few pints lol. got back pretty late and played dynasty warriors 6 Empires, about 1am head off to sleep. Woke up at 3 and went for a drink, played more DW6 and then went to sleep again. woke up at 7.45 and ironed a shirt, got dressed fully and was here by 9. drinking the powerade i bought at the beginning of this LOOOOONG 24hours.