The General Conversation Area

I'm fine, but if i'm expected to open the door and be taken away from work again i'm going to complain about it.

I'm not even able to do my workload, i've been passed a load of crap for Hertfordshires benefit....where's my aid when i need it? no such thing.

Btw Chaos...its not a written exam. its a touchscreen multiple choice questions test. then a hazard perception (i passed that but failed the questions the other week ago)

Who won the comps? or are you delaying it by a day?
Tachi- said:
Btw Chaos...its not a written exam. its a touchscreen multiple choice questions test. then a hazard perception (i passed that but failed the questions the other week ago)

Who won the comps? or are you delaying it by a day?
Sorry, I've meant theory exam, not written.

Anyway, didn't compile the competition results yet, so don't know all who won it.
Ahh okay mate.

Btw Voddas....i've posted a 800+ essay on your MAL and i could have gone i haven't even mentioned BBB yet....but 'll leave that to another post so your brain doesn't melt lol.
Cheers :roll: :p

Sorry haven't been about much this afternoon. Been on the phone with The House of Commons for the most part coz something got out of hand... anyway that's another story.

For now I'm leaving early coz my head's mashed.

Later All. *stumbles out the door*
Morning batches (talking to myself, clearly there is no1 around)

Well to the first person that reads this, good morning to you, arent you looking spiffy today!
Wow, don't i feel Spiffy 8)

Well, my family aren't buggering off to kent on monday next week as they've read A bad review of the place their meant to be going.

So after that 1! review that gave bad feedback.....they've decided to stay home.....which ruined my plans for kayls staying over and us having the week and house to ourselves.......but Tachi put his foot down....AND GETS TO KEEP HIS WEEK!

With one and kayls aren't to sleep in the same room....pfft like thats going to work. Already there's 3 ideas in mind to combat that :p
Tachi- said:
Wow, don't i feel Spiffy 8)

Well, my family aren't buggering off to kent on monday next week as they've read A bad review of the place their meant to be going.

So after that 1! review that gave bad feedback.....they've decided to stay home.....which ruined my plans for kayls staying over and us having the week and house to ourselves.......but Tachi put his foot down....AND GETS TO KEEP HIS WEEK!

With one and kayls aren't to sleep in the same room....pfft like thats going to work. Already there's 3 ideas in mind to combat that :p

Thats hilarious, my dad allowed me to bring boys home from i was 15 lol although he never was very responsible. I used to stay out for days and never even get a phone call. If i was lucky maybe after 3 days i would get a quick ring to see if i was still alive lol

Now i miss my dad :(

Anyways any bant tach?
Morning fellas!! *looks at Tachi* Hey, you look quite spiffy today mate.

@subject: Hah, my mam allowed me to have girls round from when I was 16 but I rarely did, mainley because she made up excuses for walking in without knocking every chance she had. Also, sometimes I get hot and like to sleep outside the covers and I'm a supporter of sleeping in the buff. Therefore I've had some pritty damn hellish moments first thing in the morning. She'd wake me up with her hand over eyes. Nothing quite like the horror of waking up like that. *shivers*

She's must have god damn seen me to put her hand there in the first place!! :evil:

I no longer live at home so there's no problem now like. XD
Morning people.

On the subject, my mum would die from shock if she ever caught me with a girl at her house. So, I moved out when I was 18 (which was the earliest legal age for me to be able to rent on my own).
chaos said:
Morning people.

On the subject, my mum would die from shock if she ever caught me with a girl at her house. So, I moved out when I was 18 (which was the earliest legal age for me to be able to rent on my own).
Morning Chaos and same here. Moved out and rented at 18. House I was at was a dump but it wasn't parentaly restiricted. Best move I ever made.
Morning all.

I doubt my parents would have minded but I was such a social outcast at that age that I was unlikely to ever bring girls home anyway. Plus we lived in the middle of bloody nowhere and there were no girls my age within walking distance... :(