The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
Why not so good Mutsu?

Is it 5.00 yet?! *looks at watch* TT_TT

Oh no, don't!

I'll be clock watching for hours now :(

Todays one of those days that i just don't want to have to bear another minute. Team leader let a load of people take today off. so were running on a skeleton staff of 4 people. running an office that usually has 11 people in it........complete joke i'm tellin you.

and people are being lazy, not picking up calls and i'm having to open the door to all the staff who buzz in. so reaching boiling point by the end of the day could become a reality.

Keep getting passed more and more i have enough with my own work. last time they played at this game i ended up with even more work even when everyone came back.....

Looking forward to lunch (which was booted forward :evil: )
So glad i'm off next week....just want this week to hurry the F up already, sick of being in here.
@Tachi: :twisted:
Sorry, I couldn't help it. This mroning has been dragging like hell. Hope thsi afternoon is more swift. I'd like to go home now please. lol

@Mutsumi: Don't worry. You don't need to talk about it mate. ;)

Ah! My Lunch Time. I'll be back on later people.

Now your talking my lingo mate.

Let us all be like the Spanish and orients. where halfway throught the day IS their end of the working day.

they claim its too humid and too hot to work. We can claim its too wet and horrible......and boring as hell to work.
Voddas said:
@Mutsumi: Don't worry. You don't need to talk about it mate. ;)

Thing is, I really want to, I just know that doing so wont make anything better but could make it worse.

If I find out later today that I actually did win in the compo, that'll make my day though. I need something like that to turn my day around. Fingers crossed.
Mutsumi said:
Voddas said:
@Mutsumi: Don't worry. You don't need to talk about it mate. ;)

Thing is, I really want to, I just know that doing so wont make anything better but could make it worse.

If I find out later today that I actually did win in the compo, that'll make my day though. I need something like that to turn my day around. Fingers crossed.

you and me both, i need to win to turn these past few months around and to clear my nerves over something that's coming next week
Mutsumi said:
Voddas said:
@Mutsumi: Don't worry. You don't need to talk about it mate. ;)

Thing is, I really want to, I just know that doing so wont make anything better but could make it worse.
Talk when you want to mate. The choice is yours. Mostly friendly's here in this thread like. No rush either.

Good luck with winning something in the comp. I had a go thinking I'd fly threw the names and ended up with about 10/15 missing? I found a few but it was hard going so I gave up. Plus I thought I 'd give others a chance....

...*burst into laughter* Actually I was totaly f*cking lost. :lol:

*pats stomach as he slouches into his desk chair* Lunch was good. 8)
well i think i'm going to head off now, get some grub then pop to my parents...that is unless my asthma kills me first, i think the cold i have has moved to my chest

so c'ya later guys :)
Hey mono.

I'm trying really hard to fight back tears of laughter......just put on the muppets theme tune for the whole office to listen request ofcorse.....but it was still random.

Ahh black eyed peas are on :)
lol you make that sound as if i've ever rolled it :p

No. i keep meaning to reply to your post on MAL but its finding spare time to write thats abit tough as works abit....well....frantic.

Shall post my reply pretty damn soon though.....and if you thought my last message was long.....:p