The General Conversation Area

Hi Mono *ruffles hair*

How's things with you Black? All's well with me thanks mate. Nothing much to report. Work was hell at the back end of last week and interner kept losing connection yesterday. Besides that, I'm well.

Got a slip threw the door yesterday for my Special Edition Patlabor Movie Boxset! XD Will be picking that up after work.
Hi mono :) hows things?

@Voddas cool i wouldn't mind getting my hands on that set but no monies mean i can't. Job prospects are looking grim at the moment, hopefully something will happen with my writing. Although its taken almost two months but my anime is back on display in my house :D
Huh? I thought you had a job Black? You applied for anywhere recently?

My DVDs need organizing actually. Since I decorating, I've got them on my DVD shelves but haven't put them in order yet... I keep them in alphabetical order so their easier to find. That's gonna be a job and a half. ¬_¬
I'm fine thanks mono :)

@voddas i've never had a job which is part of the problem i'm facing, the zero lack of experience, and with xmas round the corner and the likihood of my g/f becoming full time at her place then money is what i need, i don't have the time to be working for nothing to get experience.

I've been applying for loads and loads of jobs but no one ever seems to want me :/ quite sad really
In the past i did try bar work but got shot down along the lines of "no experience" Really the job centre has been of little use, i've got some i need to send my C.V. tomorrow to
The only reason I say pub work is coz that's where I started. No experience or qualifications really required. Plus, if you try getting a job in a bar like Wetherspoons, there's room for growth and training that can help in the future.

That's obviously a best case scenerio and I was very lucky mind. When you heading out?

edit: Tomorrow obviously *facepalm*

We can change this depressing subject if you like mate?
Fare enough boyo. Best thing you can do is keep your head up. :)

Looks like the g/f the bread winner at the moment then? She's bringing home the bacon, she's wearing the pants, she's a support worker.... sorry mate.

Just messing. :p

How is your writting coming along by the way? Also, while we're in the subject area, have you heard or been in contact with anyone from The Game Agencies?

edit: Morning chaos.... marmalade? *starts convulsing*
yeah she's the bread winner :p So far i've heard nothing back from them but all the positions i see on the sites have been for senior programmers. The writing is coming along fine though almost finished the formatting, plus its increased chapter wise since i had to split a rather long one into three smaller ones