The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
I'm still thinking of going for it, Chaos is there a noodle bar in the area? if so i'll spend a while sat in there and relax and eat noodles ^_^
There's a noodle shop in side the Excel centre. No idea if it's any good though.

Tachi- said:
just want to mention a big thankyou for chaos being such a good chap about it all when i asked him a few questions... *ponders as he eats his rice*
No worries. I know I'm awesome ;) and humble.

Voddas said:
I may eventually get to one at some point. Problem with traveling is the money it costs and on top of that, I'd be traveling alone as there's no one to go with me.*violin begins to play* I'm all alone in the real world when it come to anime/manga. Yes, I have the internet but sometimes, it's just not enough. *wipes a tear fromeye as the violins climax*
I'm somehow the same as you, as I don't have any RL anime friend around. But, I managed to meet some nice people while going to cons and expos, which I bump into every so often. That's the main reason I try to go to all cons and expos that I can.
To be honest....i'm in the same boat. i don't really know anyone else in Luton who is into anime. yes i get to speak to some fans whilst browsing the selections of anime in HMV or CEX. but they tend to be the oddballs that you don't really want to talk to.

Would be better if my mate fuz still lived in luton :/
He used to watch loadsa anime.
Afternoon Mono! :D

@chaos: Sounds cool mate. I know what you ean about meating people there. I'm the same when it come to i-series events. It's more this distance is a problem as well. Not only am I in teh Noerth West but I'm on a pit of land that takes an hour to get off in the first place. So , I takes me an hour to go nowhere to start off lol. It's a shame Sarah's not a fan. TT_TT
Hey Mono!

Tachi- said:
yes i get to speak to some fans whilst browsing the selections of anime in HMV or CEX. but they tend to be the oddballs that you don't really want to talk to.
Who said I'm not an oddball myself? =P

Voddas said:
So , I takes me an hour to go nowhere to start off
LOL =D It's like they say, location, location, location ;)

I was born and bred in a huge city adn I simply cannot see myself living for a long period in a small town / country side. It's just not in me.

I understand it's appeal to people though. Maybe when I have kids of my own, I might move somwhere not as crazy and hectic as London, but in the meantime, I'm having way too much fun here to try and go anywhere else.
Hey Mono.

My Khao Pad Phi-set Has gone cold :(

Might upload a pic of me on here for a laugh. it was taken last friday and strangely enough i look fat and about 22 :p

lovely little opinions from my family members *rolls eyes*

how's everyone's evenings looking?

I'm off to join the gym!
I get bored in the Gym so I ended up playing badminton and 5-a-side on occasion. I sweat more when I compete. =P

Would mind going to the Gym mind. Just need the time to do it. I'm a very popular person. *head swells*
ayase said:
Spyro201 said:
Oh and don't do anything fantasy- nothing future or past. All modern day and serious. Otherwise, you'll never access the top grades...
I compared the possible futures of The Time Machine and Nineteen Eighty-Four for part of my cousework, and I got an A. :p

Yes... But that's coursework. I was reffering to exams. Sorry if that didn't come out well. Also that's a comparison of books, not a Creative Writing Piece. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

ayase said:
But sadly, that kind of teacher seems to become disillusioned very quickly and either give up or turn into the former self-serving kind. Why? Because of disruptive students who take advantage of their leniency. Basically, **** students get the **** teachers they deserve. Too bad for the teachers who want to teach and the students who want to learn

Exactly. Kids in school these days don't care for learning- what i'm horrified to find is that this attitude continues onto A Level. I can't believe the lack of care students in my class have.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Heh. Nah, I'm just bitter. I was predicted an A and expected an A, so the B was disappointing. It was the only one I really cared about. I did, however, get an A for English literature, even though I totally blagged the coursework (a comparison of two books, neither of which I read past the first few chapters).

My teachers were all right, although looking back at my coursework I see tons of grammatical errors that weren't corrected, but there was a lot of disruption. I went to a poorly performing inner-city comprehensive and did pretty well considering that only about 15 percent of my year got 5 A*-C grades. Despite that, I did get the impression that most of the teachers were invested in the students' learning and weren't just doing a job.

I know what you're saying man. I got an A in Language and a B in Literature. And to be fair, it was an easy Literature paper... My teacher was over the moon.

Still, you do have fine grammar, so I wouldn't worry. GCSE's mean **** anyway. I honestly didn't work very hard, if at all, and still passed mine.
@Spyro: I guess from my side of things, its interesting to hear how the english side of education differs to the scottish side. I mean, i take it when you say language and literature, they where two differing subjects? Whereas we only had "English" as a whole both in standard grade(GCSE equiv) and Higher(A level equiv). However i can't speak for Advanced Higher, as that was one place i never tread upon.

Now i think on it as well, our three assessments in English(higher) have disappeared, i mean i have no idea whatsoever what they where and how we did them. I only remember passing the assessments and being put down to Intermediate 2 for my inability to write well.

Exam wise, it was easy to tell what you had to write about. I believe one of the exams consisted of writing about a Shakespearean play, mine was on Hamlet and his development and if memory serves, i got a B or A for it. We had a reading exam, speaking and a listening too, but speaking and listening was done in class.
Arbalest said:
@Spyro: I guess from my side of things, its interesting to hear how the english side of education differs to the scottish side. I mean, i take it when you say language and literature, they where two differing subjects? Whereas we only had "English" as a whole both in standard grade(GCSE equiv) and Higher(A level equiv). However i can't speak for Advanced Higher, as that was one place i never tread upon.

Now i think on it as well, our three assessments in English(higher) have disappeared, i mean i have no idea whatsoever what they where and how we did them. I only remember passing the assessments and being put down to Intermediate 2 for my inability to write well.

Exam wise, it was easy to tell what you had to write about. I believe one of the exams consisted of writing about a Shakespearean play, mine was on Hamlet and his development and if memory serves, i got a B or A for it. We had a reading exam, speaking and a listening too, but speaking and listening was done in class.
Higher English was a royal piss-take. I got a couple of "A"s in assessments but ended up failing the subject because of my exam result. To top it off, I had 3 different teachers in one year.
Maxon said:
Arbalest said:
@Spyro: I guess from my side of things, its interesting to hear how the english side of education differs to the scottish side. I mean, i take it when you say language and literature, they where two differing subjects? Whereas we only had "English" as a whole both in standard grade(GCSE equiv) and Higher(A level equiv). However i can't speak for Advanced Higher, as that was one place i never tread upon.

Now i think on it as well, our three assessments in English(higher) have disappeared, i mean i have no idea whatsoever what they where and how we did them. I only remember passing the assessments and being put down to Intermediate 2 for my inability to write well.

Exam wise, it was easy to tell what you had to write about. I believe one of the exams consisted of writing about a Shakespearean play, mine was on Hamlet and his development and if memory serves, i got a B or A for it. We had a reading exam, speaking and a listening too, but speaking and listening was done in class.
Higher English was a royal piss-take. I got a couple of "A"s in assessments but ended up failing the subject because of my exam result. To top it off, I had 3 different teachers in one year.

You had three as well? hah, that reminds me of chemistry and english. In standard grade, we had about 3 different teachers for english, and about the same for chemistry, it was a pain in the ****.
Spyro201 said:
ayase said:
Spyro201 said:
Oh and don't do anything fantasy- nothing future or past. All modern day and serious. Otherwise, you'll never access the top grades...
I compared the possible futures of The Time Machine and Nineteen Eighty-Four for part of my cousework, and I got an A. :p

Yes... But that's coursework. I was reffering to exams. Sorry if that didn't come out well. Also that's a comparison of books, not a Creative Writing Piece. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
There was open ended creative writing for your exam? Our creative writing piece had a question which was something like 'Describe a journey you took recently' - I think if I'd put any fantasy or time travelling in that I would probably have been sectioned.
ayase said:
Spyro201 said:
ayase said:
Spyro201 said:
Oh and don't do anything fantasy- nothing future or past. All modern day and serious. Otherwise, you'll never access the top grades...
I compared the possible futures of The Time Machine and Nineteen Eighty-Four for part of my cousework, and I got an A. :p

Yes... But that's coursework. I was reffering to exams. Sorry if that didn't come out well. Also that's a comparison of books, not a Creative Writing Piece. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
There was open ended creative writing for your exam? Our creative writing piece had a question which was something like 'Describe a journey you took recently' - I think if I'd put any fantasy or time travelling in that I would probably have been sectioned.

Yeah we do. Literally a one-word title. It's just "statistically fantasy stories do worse".

BTW Ayase, please read my College Presentation thread and post your views, i'm intrigued at your opinions :)
Morning Everyone. :D

*slams face of desk as he randomly nods off and wakes up*

@Ayase: Nice course work subject. I did mine on Sience Fiction in Movies. Best essay I ever wrote. I even dedicated one chapter to stuff I made up because I knew they would know what the hell I was on about. lol
I got a "B" for it.

*sitting with a bloody nose and toothless smile*