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Lol, I didn't even take English literature, I only took language & I only got an E for that. My brain just wasn't compatible with their methods of teaching, & since leaving school I have learnt by my own methods to attain my good written proficiency of the English language.
fabricatedlunatic said:
I only got a B in English language at GCSE. Clearly examinations were more difficult back in 1997...

If you're referring to my grammar, I don't think i'm that bad...

But personally I think it's more the way the subject is taught. Now all teachers do is teach you to pass the exam, they don't teach you "English". They teach you good adjectives, good and vague paragraphs to help bulk out your description. They don't really make you think much for yourself.

Make it slightly humorous in a patronizing way, and keep the energy of the piece up, or, put in some black humour in a patronizing way and keep the tone depressing. Both of those result in A*'s judging from my classes coursework.

Oh and don't do anything fantasy- nothing future or past. All modern day and serious. Otherwise, you'll never access the top grades...

I hate the system personally.
Spyro201 said:
But personally I think it's more the way the subject is taught. Now all teachers do is teach you to pass the exam, they don't teach you "English". They teach you good adjectives, good and vague paragraphs to help bulk out your description. They don't really make you think much for yourself.

I think that applies to most subjects in our education system. I'm a bit of a fossil and things may have changed but even in my day I spent my time at school feeling like a product on a conveyor belt with the teachers bustling through the syllabus, refusing to discuss anything relating to a subject that wasn't going to be on the national exams. We're often taught how things work but not why they work, so we can't understand how to adapt to new problems. It made me feel very bored and disillusioned.

My younger brother has absolutely no grasp of clear English grammar whatsoever as being able to grunt out an opinion on an exam paper seemed to be all that was regarded as necessary at his school. It's a shame as he finds writing formally very frustrating now; he was simply never taught any of the rules which govern the language or given any help when the quality of his work was poor.

Rui said:
I think that applies to most subjects in our education system. I'm a bit of a fossil and things may have changed but even in my day I spent my time at school feeling like a product on a conveyor belt with the teachers bustling through the syllabus, refusing to discuss anything relating to a subject that wasn't going to be on the national exams. We're often taught how things work but not why they work, so we can't understand how to adapt to new problems. It made me feel very bored and disillusioned.

That's so true. This is the best explanation of it, however, this is only a snippet of the full film. I recommend you watch it.

Seriously though, that's all kids are, faceless beings to pass exams.
I didn't think this news was worthy of a thread of its own, since few will have seen the movie, but ANN is reporting that Kazuhiko Katoh, composer of (among other things) the Macross title song 'Do You Remember Love?' committed suicide a few days ago.

Sad if obscure news that I learnt with a little eerie coincidence (not sure if that's the best way of describing it actually): I was listening to that very song and had the idea of googling it to see if I could find out more about it (I can't remember if it's a movie exclusive song, anyone know?). You don't really expect to see the composer's very recent death come up within the first page of results...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Spyro201 said:
Oh and don't do anything fantasy- nothing future or past. All modern day and serious. Otherwise, you'll never access the top grades...
I compared the possible futures of The Time Machine and Nineteen Eighty-Four for part of my cousework, and I got an A. :p

WRT Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) I was no big fan of school but I kept my head down and got through it. I couldn't really fault much of the teaching - I was strong willed enough to use school to learn the facts but filter out any opinion which was being taught. PSE for me was more useful as an excercise in studying the behaviour and opinions of others. I'd say some probably aren't so lucky and do become indoctrinated, but then the conveyor belt isn't exactly churning out model citizens these days, if indeed it ever did.

But I do agree that it's more about ensuring exams are passed so that schools stay open and teachers keep their jobs than it is about actually passing on important knowledge to the next generation. It's just another industry where most of those employed in it are looking out for themselves. I have a friend who is studying to be a teacher, and they are exactly the kind of person schools need - interested in learning, entusiastic about teaching and respectful of kids and their opinions. But sadly, that kind of teacher seems to become disillusioned very quickly and either give up or turn into the former self-serving kind. Why? Because of disruptive students who take advantage of their leniency. Basically, **** students get the **** teachers they deserve. Too bad for the teachers who want to teach and the students who want to learn.

I recently came across the following quote, and am utterly convinced it is the quickest and most accurate way to sum up life:

"Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows."
- David T. Wolf
Spyro201 said:
If you're referring to my grammar, I don't think i'm that bad...
Heh. Nah, I'm just bitter. I was predicted an A and expected an A, so the B was disappointing. It was the only one I really cared about. I did, however, get an A for English literature, even though I totally blagged the coursework (a comparison of two books, neither of which I read past the first few chapters).

My teachers were all right, although looking back at my coursework I see tons of grammatical errors that weren't corrected, but there was a lot of disruption. I went to a poorly performing inner-city comprehensive and did pretty well considering that only about 15 percent of my year got 5 A*-C grades. Despite that, I did get the impression that most of the teachers were invested in the students' learning and weren't just doing a job.
I see :) we have to arrange a place to meet before we head there... I want to get there as soon as doors opens, just to make sure I get one of those gift bags :)
Morning all! Have major network problems today and keep losing internet. It's driving me insane! I have to save my work every 10 minutes incase it goes down and locks me out! TT_TT

God I love Mondays....
Hey Voddas.

Sorry to hear about the internet problems. have your I.T dept been told about it?

Atm i'm stuck.....thinking about the expo and things. do i go? don't i? the goody bags sound good. and Cowboy bebop for £25 is crazy to miss. but as of yet i'll be tagging along with chaos.....and he won't be there all day as he'll be off in confrences and things.....if only there was a ramen bar. i'd just sit there eating the whole time he's gone.

*sighs* too much to think about too early in the week yet late in the month

Well, Andrew promise a Beez DVD on them. I just hope it's something I still don't have (which, in the case of Beez, is becoming increasingly difficult).

I hate this!! I just wrote a good long post and just before I was going t send it.... my computer locked me out the network again!

The funny thing is, I was talking about how the problem seems to be resolved. XD

Anyway, Tachi, you should totaly go to the Expo. I only wish I was lucky enough to live in a reasonable distance from one of these events. I fear I will never be able to attend an Expo/con in the near future.
Do it Tachi! Go Expo!
Ahh, thats a right b**ch Mate :/

hate it when that happens. that and the Error 500 that randomly buggers things up :/

I'm still thinking of going for it, Chaos is there a noodle bar in the area? if so i'll spend a while sat in there and relax and eat noodles ^_^

Voddas. can't you book a hotel or something and come down once ina lifetime?? that'd suck if you couldn't.
Unlike you guys i'm not in my 20's and can confidently go do this that and the other alone. especially in london where i have a dendancy to wander off lol.

I dunno....Shall give it some thought,
just want to mention a big thankyou for chaos being such a good chap about it all when i asked him a few questions... *ponders as he eats his rice*

On similar mate andy is in japan and i'm trying to get him to buy a shedload of R1 anime for me :p
Yeah it's a b**ch!
Managing with it like.

I may eventually get to one at some point. Problem with traveling is the money it costs and on top of that, I'd be traveling alone as there's no one to go with me. *violin begins to play* I'm all alone in the real world when it come to anime/manga. Yes, I have the internet but sometimes, it's just not enough. *wipes a tear fromeye as the violins climax*

...anyway, Like I said. I can just talk to you guys about it. Tachi, you could be my eyes, ears and taste buds. lol