The General Conversation Area

*stops shaking violently once attention was received*

I'm good thanks. I can't wait to have babies, but there's way to much to do at the moment. We have no time! We're aiming for child number one in 2012 (seed planting taking place 2011). Woohoo! Hope the first is a boy.

Looks like everyone is doing well today. Like Tachi said before, being hit pritty hard at work at the moment so I'll almost be invisable but I'll try and get on every now and then.

Time for lunch now so will have to bid adue till later. *vacates*

edit: Southpark also ftw!
just in south park they were taking the piss saying it makes you **** blood lol

anyways... i would see a doctor, generally coughing up blood is not a good sign lol

Any1 ever get dull pains from one of their balls down to their knee... i get this alot and for a longggg time.
Nope. I think i'd better see a nurse. ones sitting about 5 foot away.

Think i've somehow cut the inside of my throat as i can feel the blood in my throat coming out from somewhere :/

and nope. the only ball ache i ever get is when i haven't cracked one off in a while.
lol don't get me wrong....i hardly ever get blue balls. i said. if i don't crack one off in say.....a week....i'd go mad.

Anyway, seen the nurse....could have just burst a blood vessel in my throat as i was coughing alot.

So yeah....not too worried. unless i black out i'm not too bothered tbh.
Well that's enough book editing for the time being..turns out i need to make sure my chapters in future are relatively the same size. Was able to make a really large one 3 smaller chapters.

EDIT: Well i'm heading off now :)

Hopefully speak to you all later at some point

C'ya later
Alright mate,


I've just booked myself the 21st to the 24th of dec off. meaning i last work on the 18th and don't get back till the 29th :p basically have myself 11 days off for the price of 4 muhahahaha
No apostrophe in chillis when you are refering to more than one chilli. Chillis with an apostrophe means that you are referring to something that belongs to the chilli.

Be a man, have a Dorset Naga chilli.
Apostrophes should just friggin' die already. I got A's (As?) in English and even I can never remember the stupid rules.

Afternoon all, but I'm afraid I won't be here for long. Busy busy.
Hi all.

I know the rules on punctuation....i just don't follow them. rules are made to be broken.

Works pissed me off so i've been trying to sort it out. as a result of the current mood my voice has lowered further.

For those who know my natural getting deeper whilst pissed off doesn't exactly help matters.