The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
Not I Black. There are four that I'm finding impossible. I've given up as someone must have all the names by now. If I can do as well as I did then the likes of Jester/ayase/Aion (to name a few) must have done better. I love my anime but my memory is cr@p at the best of times.

There are six prizes; from the comments in the discussion thread on it before I think it's fair to say only finding four impossible is very good going ;)

Hope you're firing off your entry anyway! Nothing ventured nothing gained.

lmao you are a muppet. honestly its much simpler than that. look at the first pic. or if you have a coke can glass yourself. look at the base, its a slant. not look inside the glass. as it's made/blown (i don't know) but there's a slant within the glass itself, making it heavier. now position the glass with the extra glass at the base and it'll stand at that angle.

it's more maths and basic knowledge than sticky tape or blutac ;)

Rui, when you guys have these comps.....Do you and chaos buy the anime or do you as AUKN get freebies off of distributers (like Beez and Funimation) when you go to Expo's?

And when people win do they just give their home address details and thats it. no need to worry about paying postal?
Tachi- said:
Rui, when you guys have these comps.....Do you and chaos buy the anime or do you as AUKN get freebies off of distributers (like Beez and Funimation) when you go to Expo's?

And when people win do they just give their home address details and thats it. no need to worry about paying postal?

Chaos sweet talks the companies into giving out the prizes, so it's thanks to him and the UK anime companies too. The competitions section lists the rules; the anime companies themselves take care of shipping the prizes out to you so it's completely free.

And admins aren't allowed to enter, so I try to vicariously live out my competition winning fantasies by encouraging other people to try their luck ;)

Ahh, now that makes sense :)

(i was wondering if it was you guys or not because if it was you guys buying it i'd personally feel bad if i won.)
I'm not going ot enter this one....but i'll have a look at future ones (its blocked at work ¬_¬ )

How're you Rui?
well i'm going to be heading off now, need to pop to my parents.

@Rui good job on that character guessing game, i look forward to more comps like that one, its given me some new anime to look into. Not sure if i'll enter the other ones this month but the one for X:The TV series does look tempting, just not sure i can be funny enough.

but anyway c'ya later :)
I'm now on lunch and i'm bored as ever. I've got some reading I could be doing but these School PC's seems to filter everything...

The IT Guy also has a filter going so for any cursing typed in it'll pop up on his PC.

But anyway- what's everyone up to?
Just got back from lunch.

There's a bloke laid outside my office (in the street) and two police officers and the traffic wardens are standing over him, minutes later a blue blanket appears out of nowhere. and he's in the recovery position.

He's either pissed out of his head or someones decked him.
Oh and there's a feris (?) Wheel being built in the town seeing a stage with live performances in summer is okay. but a wheel out of nowhere? lol i'm having a go on it even though i don't like heights.
lol i haven't got a clue, they've just started adding random features to my town, as for GENRAL CONVO TOWN.... were not really that productive right now.

abit quiet.

Eating jelly beans
The normal ones. but in debenhams they have the weird ones in a jar for £6. i was tempted to buy some when they had the 20% sales the other week.

Want work to just fast forward to 5pm then i can go relax in the pub with the guys and just chill out.

Have had more chinese for lunch. thats every day this week bar monday that i've had it for lunch, but then i went to aroma for dinner so it still counts and on saturday i had it too. since saturday the only day i haven't had chinese is sunday....i feel like i'll burst lol
Sarah's back from Uni so it's been the complete opposite to me. I've had salad every day since Sunday. doesn't bother me too much like... *bursts into tears*

I've got badminton followed by salad tonight! *yet another flood of tears*

Work is really draining my life force today. Could just rest my face on my keyboard and drift off into a wakeless sleep right now.
Unlucky mate :/

Can i have your number?

*sits and stretches then eats more jelly beans*
Don't ask how i'm to eat a calvery later....will probably just drink and leave the food.

Ah kings of leon - Use somebody on the radio. love this song still