The General Conversation Area

lol i PM'd Outlaw the other day, but since then i'm not adding any imput publicly.

On another note, i have no idea why people felt the need to argue in my poll :S it was a personal matter.....which i've not explained more than i thought i'd need to ¬_¬

What've you been upto black?
@Tachi: Only plans tonight thus far mate are, going to play some badminton (needs the exercise) and then collapsing on our sofa with a few episodes of Lie to Me.

@Black: Things are as well as can be mate. Not a lot to tell what I haven't done already. Having a LAN party on Saturday with some mates like. Looking fwd to that.
Haven't checked out the Politics thread myself for that exact reason. :p
@Tachi what did you say to him like :p or were you after books to read...i'm tempted to do that myself but i tend to drift to more of the extraterristal theories

I've just been sat here watching what limited tv we have while working on a new digital art piece and while continuing to edit my story...i'm not even halfway through it yet T_T there's so much to do

@Voddas cool what games will you be playing or is it just call of duty :p
i'll probably send you an email with what i wrote.

Ahh, badminton....a much loved game that's so much better than tennis. you get to hit something as hard as you want and watch it just float around rather than go whizzing round the room :p

And i love wathing Lie to me. that shows brilliant!
There will probably be some COD played, but my mates are more L4D fabs, We'll probbaly be playing that mostly. I also foresee some Battlefield and Red Faction. I think we're gonna have some Mirrors Edge time trials too. XD

Tachi! You causing mischief again?! :lol:

edit: Indeed, Lie to Me does rock! :thumb:
lol Nah, Behaving for the moment.

Sent Black the pm's that went between me and Outlaw. (want a copy?) it's nothing major. just views on things and my opinion on the biggest farce in the world.
i'll have a looksie once hotmail decides to load...

say none of you two would fancy doing me a favour would you? just that my impatience is rising for my proof read copy of my story to return to me so i would like it to be proof read by someone else
Black, i'd be happy to take a look if you pass it my way. I'm not a man with loads of free time but I'll at least take a look if you'd like me too?

Tachi, you can keep your PM's lol. I'd just end up getting my own opinion if I read them.

edit: How come I'm the second opinion Tachi???! ;P
Because i answered first lol, So you can be the second opinion.....that is unless you review it before me :p

i have a cool pic....hang on....
Intresting messages there Tachi you raised a lot of good points, admittedly my faith in a reglion was always a bit shoddy given that we are supposed to be ruled by a being of un-imaginable power yet he kills good people without warning and lets evil ones live in riches...what kind of a just divine being allows that?

Of course it could all be worse...we could just be one massive science experment conducted by a pan-dimensional being for his homework :p

Thanks guys :) its not ready to send yet but expect before the end of next week probably earlier. Chapter wise i've only got 6 left to edit.

And cheers Black. most of the time i'm laid back (as you both know) but when it comes down to it...i do end up going abit too indepth. even get bored of myself.. there's no way to fight the system now set up. so it's best to just go with it and find loopholes in the system.

the most rational reasoning i have for this life really.
BlackWolf said:
Intresting messages there Tachi you raised a lot of good points, admittedly my faith in a reglion was always a bit shoddy given that we are supposed to be ruled by a being of un-imaginable power yet he kills good people without warning and lets evil ones live in riches...what kind of a just divine being allows that?

Of course it could all be worse...we could just be one massive science experment conducted by a pan-dimensional being for his homework :p

Thanks guys :) its not ready to send yet but expect before the end of next week probably earlier. Chapter wise i've only got 6 left to edit.

My real interest in the phenomenon of religion is not so much in studying it word for word, or in any way gullibly believing any of it, but to research the origins of religion, to trace back the true roots of the current dynamic paradigm, to trace the influence religion and its corruption have had not just in history, but in shaping the psychology of modern man, and even more of interest to me is the psychological characteristics of man in relation to his gradual loss of centre, and need to believe such things without so much as a second thought, we more and more are coming to rely on unseen forces for guidance, more and more the tentacles of "experts" and those that "know whats best for you" are creeping unchecked into our daily routines, anyone should see what the end result of such a trend is, and why it is so important to understand the origins of such phenomena.

And stuff:p:p

"We may fairly agree that the subject of history, a
commonly taught, is one of the most boring of a
subjects. However, the study of how the subject
history has been manipulated, is surely one of the
most interesting of all subjects"
- Michael Tsarion
Tachi- said:

And cheers Black. most of the time i'm laid back (as you both know) but when it comes down to it...i do end up going abit too indepth. even get bored of myself.. there's no way to fight the system now set up. so it's best to just go with it and find loopholes in the system.

the most rational reasoning i have for this life really.

All it takes to beat the system, is to free the mind.
Whatever else happens, that is most important.
*starts beating Outlaw with a ruler*

Back to the other thread with these words of speculation and theories. :p

I'm trying to show my coke glass standing at an unusable and unusual angle :)
Tachi- said:
*starts beating Outlaw with a ruler*

Back to the other thread with these words of speculation and theories. :p

I'm trying to show my coke glass standing at an unusable and unusual angle :)

Hehe, yes sir :D :D
I do get carried away and overly-sentimental sometimes, but a ruler?That stings man!:p

And thats some mightly impressive balanceAGE right there :eek:
BTW Tachi i can see the bluetac there ;)

@Outlaw Star i see, i remember talking to you a long while back about paranormal pheonmoena in a short lived ghost thread. (i've probably spelt those words wrong as i can't spell for peanuts)

It seems you poured a lot of time and effort into this and if you don't mind me asking what made you start looking into things like this?
I go away for two seconds and this brain melting convo pops up. O_O

Heh. Afternoon Outlaw. :thumb:

I'm off to lunch now anywho. I'll be on laters. *vacates*