Guten Nachmittag, Fraulein RadFem! Wie geht es Ihnen, heute Nachmittag? Möchten Sie heute einen neuen Anime kaufen?
The only German I know is "auf wiedersehen" so I can just say bye to everyone.
I've made many legit attempts at learning Japanese but my ADD basically stops me from being able to knuckle down and focus.
I have basically memorized Hiragana and I'm fairly decent at Katakana. I know a few Kanji and I'm learning new words all all the time still. Problem is it's so fragmented, and having very little practice in practical uses I couldn't really hold a conversation.
Thank youI have ADHD too! Have you seen that AMV Hell with mostly clips from Bottle Fairy where at the end it shows the robot maid girl from Mahoromatic and mistranslates what she's saying as "I think hell is bad! It gives you ADHD! pauses oh look an ice cream truck" XP
I'm proud of you for what you have managed to accomplish!I know a little bit of Japanese from watching so much subbed anime over the years but much of what I used to know I have forgotten now
I thought my PS5 controller was broken as the buttons weren't working. Just realised I had been playing my Nintendo Switch for so longer that I was pressing the wrong buttons.
it finally happened, a show on netflix is about to disappear and i'm in the middle of watching Black Books, got the last season to watch before midnight and i can't be bothered
it's past midnight and i started another episode so i don't know what's happeningBernard would be proud of your lack of commitment![]()
I mean, she’s a duplicitous flip-flopper constantly having to justify her support of a ruthless toff-run Tory government while at the same time trying to distance herself from them, are we sure she isn’t still a Lib Dem?I see that our new prime minister started as a Lib Dem in university before switching to the Tories. So, on the remote chance that she sees this message: