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Just wondering if there are any recommended books / sites that cover modern Japanese railway?

Interested in learning more about Lines and Stations (Both JR and Local)

I've found going between Youtube and Wikipedia is really good but its always good to find other sources
Got something coming from Amazon Japan via DHL, so far it’s gone from Japan - Hong Kong - Canada and it’s currently in the USA and still it says it’ll get delivered today. Unless concord suddenly comes back into commission I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
Coincidentally enough, I've just started learning German 😅

Sehr gut! WÜNDERBAR and such

I studied the basics a few years back and it kind of changed my view of the language - I found it enjoyable! Didn't continue though, so I can't even put a sentence together and my vocabulary can't even be called that when I only know a few scattered words.

Still, hope you enjoy it!
Sehr gut! WÜNDERBAR and such

I studied the basics a few years back and it kind of changed my view of the language - I found it enjoyable! Didn't continue though, so I can't even put a sentence together and my vocabulary can't even be called that when I only know a few scattered words.

Still, hope you enjoy it!

I learned it as a teenager and was in the top group for my year, decided to pick it back up again :)

Thanks for the encouragement! :D
Guten Nachmittag, Fraulein RadFem! Wie geht es Ihnen, heute Nachmittag? Möchten Sie heute einen neuen Anime kaufen?

Lol, I had 4 years of German in high school, although that was over 45 years ago, so I don't remember too much. I was dating a German girl in 8th grade who spoke German fluently, so I picked German over French or Spanish when I had to take a language starting in 9th grade. Didn't help though, we broke up the summer after 9th grade. sigh, oh well. My first love and still my favorite, but sadly not to be. I actually got to see her just a few months ago for the first time since then.