Now reminded of B's awful second season.
It's nice to be off and get stuff done and I'm going out with work friends tomorrow, had the most abusive customer I've had in many many years of jobs and it was so bad we had to fill in incident reports, I am so tired and hope they never try to do anything horrible here ever again, I'm still narked about it and it gives me the heebie jeebies thinking about it
I've never had bad customers to the point of incident reports but after a while of having to put up with s.hit people who clearly love being s.hitstains for their own sake, I told myself that I wouldn't spend my time out of work thinking about it or giving them anything resembling an inkling of attention, even if only in my mind.
Not one second more outside of what I had already had to put up with when dealing with them.
I know it helps some to externalize it and talk about it, but f that. Slipknot were right lol
I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm a small woman who lives by herself so I'm also incredibly guarded because if let's say, someone is really aggressive or has stalker traits, I could potentially be in danger and it means outside of work, unfortunately I do have to think about it. I know what you mean though, but I'm having to consider things like that too and it's not like I'm choosing to hyperfixate on it as such. Slipknot were right about some people = s*** but hey, most of us are gooduns at least! Haha.
@Donut I feel so sad for you ;-; I really hope you are and will continue to be safe <3
Damn dude, the situation is bad as is, but being a woman can be even more aggravating indeed. The amount of casual sexism you witness incustomer servicescratch that-everywhere is astounding. I know one can't help but fixating on a situation and the injustice of it (as well as imaginary scenarios of justice being painfully served lol). Try to not let it get you down in the long run, I guess is what I mean!
I can't be of any help but you should get a punching bag. I'm only half joking.
Thank you bub <3 I'll feel better after some rest but I'm glad my colleagues are aware of the situation, I hope you're well!
I wish I could teleport into an eight foot monster sometimes to scate them off!
I would certainly wish to differentiate proportionate discipline from domestic abuse, which is something I'm sadly all too familiar with (while I thankfully didn't suffer it myself, close family members were on both the dishing out and receiving ends of it and those are complicated feelings to live with. Not just limited to how I feel about those people, but how there is very likely some genetic disposition within me towards anger and violence which only gets closer to the surface the more I have to deal with awful people). I'm afraid I just don't really see how anybody learns to treat other people with respect if there aren't consequences for their behaviour. I think the entitled attitude of a not-insignificant number of people from abusive anti-social kids to moaning Karens to unrepentant tax-dodging millionaires and our grifting, murdering, war-criminal rulers is in a large part down to the fact they never have to face any. Would people do such sh*tty things if they expected to be punished? But in this twisted mess of a society we've created, they instead expect to be rewarded, and what's more they often are.I'll be honest reading that thing about hitting kids made me really upset I don't think it is right to hit children. But I agree with what @ayase said about not trying to retain the business of horribly abusive customers and how it hurts the frontline staff, I have other friends in those jobs and they are suffering and have seen other employees leave cuz they couldn't handle it
I'm so sorry Donut it must be difficult and confusing experiencing things like that <3 I'm glad you have some idea of what you need though, I really hope those things help you. I sleep during the day sometimes when I feel down or depleted and it's not always what I need but sometimes it really is just the thing. I don't drink alcohol so I don't have much advice on recovery from effects but definitely be gentle with yourself as you said. I don't know if you meant you felt physically unclean or more like you had done something morally wrong or that you think is morally wrong, but it really does not sound to me like you did anything bad Sending best wishes to you <3
I'm ok thankyou just busy atm cuz my mum is visiting so we're trying to get a lot of things done that have been put off for various reasons XP I agree that you have no reason to feel bad about what you did Pizza is so good now I want some haha, I hope you have a lovely evening and I'd be interested to hear what cartoons you watched if you wanna talk about cartoons sometime <3 Oh also I cry over such things... when fully sober "drunk M&M, sober M&M they all cry over the same things in the end" XP