The General Conversation Area

Okay guys, I have a challenge for you - I'm really really bored so please can you find me something to do this afternoon :)? I don't mind what - funny websites, games whatever (so long as it doesn't make too much noise!) - just something to keep me entertained this afternoon? Otherwise I really am going to fall asleep...
It's so dull in my office today, no-one is on facebook or twitter and I'm up to date with all the blogs I read and there's only so many games of solitaire you can play before you start to go slightly mad. The only re-course I had left to me was to actually do some work...and you have just saved me from this fate worse than death hahaha. Thanks a lot! I shall have a look at those now :D
No problem that VG cats one sometimes does anime themed comics as well as game comics. The last one is a sprite comic that has over 1000 strips and is based off the first FF game
the helicopter games are ace hahaha they appeal to my evil destructive side :twisted:

I've had a look at vgcats (I think I've seen some of these before), that's really funny and now I'm just on Penny Arcade (I only understand about half of these ones haha) :)
i loved the comic "updates weekly" the characters look at the main page then are quiet :p

glad to hear you liked the helicopter games panda ^_^

oh and as for Voddas....monday is most probably the one day i least expect so much as a whisper from the big guy....well probably hear something by half four ifnot five to five :)

well my 5minute nap at lunch was enough to push me along and i've remembered i had some chocolate in the fridge :) feeling alot better than i did this morning
Ah home time, and I've managed to do absolutely no work all afternoon :D
Penny Arcade is really funny, I had to keep myself from laughing too loud, so that no-one would know I wasn't working haha
Hope everyone has a good evening, and I hope you feel better tomorrow Tach :)
Afternoon everyone.

I'm incredibly tired and have a massive headache. I'll attempt to cure it by staring into a computer screen for a few hours. :p

MAL was down for me about 80% of the time over the last few days.