The General Conversation Area

I'm fine tach, thanks voddas btw for the crit in my art thread, that piece proved to be very frustrating, and i'm only really happy with certain parts of it, and it was nothing that like i imagined at the beginning

Good Good black. i hate it when that sit there working on something that doesn't look like what you had in your head when you first started.....that naruto vs edward pick had edwards holding his arm up in a guard pose gritting his teeth ad looking to the left at naruto who was in the air kicking eds swordarm and doing a handsign with a faint glow of the fox around him.....unfortunately i couldn't get ed or naruto's poses just right so decided to give up and do basic poses.
Guess that number was for old times sake eh tach? :wink: I'll go back to basics with the Archer one, a nice standing pose and to make up for it i'll work hard on the "Unlimited Blade Works" background. Ah can't wait for next week now, there's two games out that i want and i'm going to get ^_^ Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 and Resident Evil 5
Yeah, i was thinking of continuing the numbers in this feels weird not putting them :/

although res 5 looks good....and killzone 2 is not right bothered tbh :/ i dont know.....i spent a while away from my laptop...i've given up my ipod for lent...almost succumbed to temptation to update its music lastnight....then thought "i gave it stop listening it is no different to not updating it *sigh* "
my ps3 is the bunt of the bunch....i'm playing FracTure and like it...but its a monotonous game that you kill hundreds of oncoming enemies that funnily enough remind me of metapod from pokemon....and then there's guys who look like ninja from metal gear solid...(when you complete the game he becomes pink.)


feel glad about life atm though. im going out, meeting girls, having a good time and going out with the lads....ts'all good ^_^
That hurt! *rubs face where fan mark is left*

Back from Lunch now! Was nice but not glad to be back working now... obviously.

No problem Black. I'm not a fan of giving critics coz I don't want to offend anyone but you can only get better and learn from feed back, good or bad. That's how I see it ^_^

I need a new PC game to play. I love playing Battlefield and COD however I want a good single player game. Thinking about taking on Gears of War. I want to play the second one so makes sence this way.

EDIT/ I agree. Feels strange not putting numbers but at the same time I'm glad their gone.
They were such a pain in the arse really. :lol:
phew *wipes sweat off brow* what a day :D only 45 minutes till the weekend's here! Hope everyone's had a good day :)
Anyone got any plans for the weekend? I'm off to see Watchmen tomorrow night, and I hope to get some more of Tsukihime watched too :)
@skikes - your new avatar is lovely haha
For the weekend I plan on watching Paniponi Dash. I started to watch it before but my previous DVD player broke whilst I was watching volume three. But before that I also want to watch my favourite animated film again; Only Yesterday. I will probably either do that tonight or tomorrow night.

I will probably spend some of saturday up town too.
New shiney Avatar!

Hallo all, sorry I randomly disapeared. Work got heavy. It was fun... NOT!

*ahem* Anyway, thank god it's Friday, oh, and look.. I only have 10 mins left!! Mwaahahaaaa!!

@Black! Regards to your sketch. I struggled only due to the brighness of the scan but then when I looked closely when I blew it up I could see it clearly. Just needed a little bit of shaded. Was good enough for a sketch mind. :)
panda z said:
phew *wipes sweat off brow* what a day :D only 45 minutes till the weekend's here! Hope everyone's had a good day :)
Anyone got any plans for the weekend? I'm off to see Watchmen tomorrow night, and I hope to get some more of Tsukihime watched too :)
@skikes - your new avatar is lovely haha

thanks i think so to HA ^_^
Because villains are more fun Black. :p

Quite a few people just turned up! O_O

Ah well... I'm gonna have to shoot for now. Gotta go get ready for work doo tonight. Hehe.

Sorry for not replying to your last email Tachi. :(

Ciao to all. *exits*
See ya Voddas *waves*

I liked your Tsukihime pic Black - and I was very good, I didn't look at that spoiler you put in the text hahaha. There's not so much of you in this one tho - unlike the Mion, which I could immediately tell was by you :D - this one seems much more in the style of original art, than in your own unique style (if you see what I mean...) :)
It's okay panda i know what you mean (the spoiler text if you do look at it may just make you go eh? but it's an imporant plot point regardless) still i'll start the next one, i've got something in mind for my next project after the fanart series