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I'd definitely paint my Gundam models if I got any. They look good as they are but some of the painted ones I've seen online look fantastic.

Games Workshop... ::sigh:: that's taken a real back seat in the last few months... I have a massive amount of unpainted models I don't know if I'll ever get round to finishing.
It's the ones in these boxes. They both have a manga in each too, but I cant read Japanese... lmao. They were the 1st anime figurines I've ever bought too. (Or recieved as a present).

I'm the same, Ayase but i do plan on painting more... Just dont know when. I may plan on having my friends over for a GW modeling/paint party (just to pay them back somewhat for all the times I've been over there.) I hardly ever invite anyone to my house... But that all changes!

Oh, Hi mono!
He has to choose?! I demand imagination and for him to create his own!
All will cry out in the name of the O3!! (Yeah, I'm still working on my Chaos/Daemon/Sisters of Battle army: Orphans of Oppression).
Hi mono hows things? :)

@Ayase I'm going for ultramarines, ever since i was little i thought of them as the atypical space marine, the first ever picture i saw of space marines was in their colour scheme (it was in one of my brothers old white dwarfs, somewhere in the issue 130-150 range i think)

@Chaz they look pretty cool :) Having friends over to do painting/modeling with does make for a good time. There was one time where me and a friend stayed up to 4 in the morning in order to get 2 400pt armies ready for a doubles tournment that started at 12 the next day (i'll leave the result of the tournament to your imigation, you may rate us higher then we actually got)
It's funny, Ultramarines seem to be the most generic Chapter now, I swear it used to be Blood Angels back in the day. Originality is good Chaz, but if they've made a Chapter that would look pretty much how you would want yours to look I don't see any point in complicating things. If the Dark Angels didn't exist I would only have created them. :p
I'll take a guess at a "Solid victory" as described in the 40k rulebook for your foe (although by your logic, it would make it a "Crushing victory" for the enemy).

@Ayase - Ultramarines have always been the "Default" chapter, since it's always them fighting off the Tyranids, orks and what-not at the edge of the galactic map (where the main Hive fleets appear from).

Blood Angels were a pretty dominat scheme though, but they became less important I felt after the DOW games became popular with the Blood Ravens. Now they feel like Iron Warriors in chaos compared to Black Legion and World Eaters.
Alongside the memories reason, the last original space marine chapter i did didn't work out so well (in fact it was part of the aforementioned tournament so i wish to start anew) Ultramarines are the new generic chapter though, they lack all the specialised units of the other chapters. I mean the Blood Angels have the Furiso Dreadanought, the Death Company and the Baal Pattern Predator. Dark Angels have two different things going on with them, being DeathWing and RavenWing and their cool backstory with the divide. Space Wolves have got the 13th company, the grey hunters etc.

One thing Ultramarines seem to have in abunance though is special characters, and some of them are monsters...

Of course i can never love space marines the same way as i do the Tyranids, but i can blame alien and starship troopers for that.

@Mono I'm fine thanks :)

EDIT: Sorry Chaz didn't notice your post there :p I'm happy that you think we did so well :p we played three games that day, and we lost every single one of them...most cases quite badly
Its because i enjoy MHU so much that i'm striving to get as far as i can...and bens using a bow which is one of the worste weapons in the game. (well In my opinion its a killjoy and takes twice the time it'd take me to kill something with a gun or longsword)

in guys went crazy for persona 4 and would talk about it most days....i kept quiet because tbh i've not played the game so can't comment. So now i'm talking about a game that i personally find really no critisizing!

anyway, there's sod all else to do whilst sunbathing so its time i can use playing MHU :) bens a few ranks higher than me because he's broken up from college so gets to play it everyday, i work most weekdays so the most that i can put in is about 2 hours a day tops....if he gets more than 2 ranks above me then we can't both take on the higher quests as i won't have unlocked em yet.

there is a reasoning in my madness.

(does the math:

80 hours over 3 weeks = 26.6 divided by 7 = 3.7 hours a day if i played it for every single day....which i haven't... but on average its 3.45hrs of MHU a day over 12 hours at the least.)
Also though MHU is an MMO :p Persona 4 is an RPG with a story, a small qubbile i know but what the hey :p besides, what's more important is the enjoying of the game, i mean really what would you do if you reached the highest level?
by the time i reach HR9 and defeat the'll probably be time for the next MH to come out. so a year or two.

to put things into perspective, bens killed the akantor (which is basically the gateway quest that unlocks all the G rank missions) making it a halfway marker in the game.
and i'm almost ready to become HR6. he's now HR7. if i can't atleast kill the akantor by the time i get back from egypt then i'll be too low to participate in the same quests as i'd just get my backside handed to me on a silver platter.

this also means that the * rarity armour i've spent the last week trying to get......ben killed aka and now has access to the same rarity.

not too good. but as i said...i'd prefer to be with the gf than playing MHU anyway.
Oh dear, I've now made a war between the P4 fans and MHU fans... Of which I'm on the side of P4. :p
It was suppose to be Gamers (us) vs Critisizing "Average Jo."
It's not a war chaz don't worry :p i would take a normal RPG anyday over an mmo type. They just bore me, i like my games to have a resolution (i'll make acceptance for the early arcade games who didn't have an end, just nigh on infinite levels just to get money off you...wait a minute that sounds familar)

Also i would much rather all gamers could unite really, that's why i hate the current trend of "My (insert console name here) is better then yours (insert console manufacturer here) Rulzs" makes me angry
I'm gonna have to disappear now. I'll probably be back 2moz, since I'll be home, making sure the roofers are ok sorting out their work.
