The General Conversation Area

See ya later Chaz.

I have no opinion on Persona or Monster Hunter... So I'll have to remain neutral. Damn, I like taking sides. :p

I think I have the music on a bit too loud ATM, but the bingo calling is really getting on my nerves today. Seems extra loud, I don't know if they got a new sound system or something. I hope not, and that the caller is just feeling enthusiastic. Closing the door cuts off the stream of custom by about 30% so I don't wanna do that...

Rui sure is doing a lot of lurking in here today. :p
Easy Ayase choose my side :p

Maybe you should fight fire with fire, start calling out your own bingo game :p you may get some extra custom (or you could lose all the others) What kind of books do you sell anyway? is it alll used or is it bestsellers?
Ah, I see. Post more! :p

It's all remainders Black, mainly paperbacks priced at £3-£4. I decided not to get into secondhand yet, I might at some point in the future but not until I've got more space. There are two bookshops I'd really like to emulate one day, one in Sedbergh and another in Inverness... both are converted churches absolutely filled with books. That's my kinda church. :thumb:
I see, so you wouldn't have any H.P Lovecraft stuff there would you? (assuming you have a quick refrence database setup) How is buisness anyway? I can imagine the summer months being good for you
Yeah, doing better this month thanks. Long may the good weather continue.

No H.P. Lovecraft I'm afraid, no. His books are expensive new, I know. I still haven't got round to getting them all since the last Penguin Classic volume is about £12 in standard sized paperback. Ludicrous.

Interested in a copy of Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Volume 1 by Kazuhisa Kondo? 'Cause I've got a couple of copies going for £4.50. $15.95 RRP on them, too. ;)
Isn't that the novel series that never got finished :p Shame about the lovecraft stuff, he's one of my favourite authors, the penguin classics only cost me £8.99 each from waterstones, but in the time i've learned of the short stories that aren't on those collections. Plus i saw a special £24 edition of one of the collections, hard backed in leather and had maps and all sorts in it. Also surpising there is very few movie adaptions of his work but maybe that's a blessing
Nah, it's a manga series Black. Don't know if it ever got finished but I've seen a volume 8 somewhere.

Lovecraft is very good. Only matched in creepy short stories by Poe probably. And yeah, I'm pretty glad there haven't been many screen adaptions... There's no way they could capture the atmosphere without spending a lot of time on things and boring the average person half to death.
Although that reminds me i did see an adaption late on sci-fi a while back, but for the life of me i can't remember which one it was (it wasn't Re-animator, Dagon (which should actually be the Shadow over Innsmouth), the un-nameable, or the Dunwhich Horror) okay after typing that turns out there was more then i thought. Still i like his descriptive style, i will have to re-read the books i've got when my brother returns them, only have The Thing on the Doorstep at the moment.

I wonder which gundam manga it is then, i was thinking it was Gundam: The Origin which i've heard sticks close to Tomino's original ideas for the series.
Ouch, I've just realized hostels are fully booked and hotels are too expensive for that date... I wonder if that particular day there will be any convention or another event ='(
BTW, Hi Black, Ayase and Mono

I was going to Leeds to watch a gig from my favourite band, but I've been putting this off, as it was going to be expensive.

Now it's going to be impossible, as I can't find the "cheap" 20 quid hostel I was planning to go for the night.
What a shame. :(

British cities are hellishly expensive to stay in. I always think it's funny when people say they don't go on holiday abroad because of the cost... What? A hotel here can cost more than a bloody package holiday to Spain!
Hi all

and ayase...stop complaining about the bingo.....start playing and then when you win you can shout bingo and the caller won't know who's won :p

it'd bring in more money anyway.

and thats unlucky chaos :/

35mins till i can head off home and get a shower.....get rid of this horrible smoke smell thats stuck to me :(
welcome back tachi

ah the unforunate stings of irony, if i had gotten back into GW hobby a few weeks earlier i may of found out about this writting contest sooner. I'm really tempted to go for it but the time limit is killing me.

Tell me about it Chaos, there is a lot of expensive places, the one i stayed in derby was about £40 a night (but i would never recommend the place or the location)
I'm partially to blame. I should have made up my mind sooner.
It was about 15 back and forth for the bus, 20 for a night in the hostel, some money for the tix and whatever I drink / eat - making that a 50 quid weekend.

But, the hostels were all gone and there were only a couple hotels available that day and one of them was 71 per night.

It's cheaper to come back to London in the middle of Ayacon in the end, something i didn't want to do, as I'll be missing any late events on Saturday and early events on Sunday.
