The General Conversation Area

Kerbal Space Programme, Budget Edition. Now all I need is parcel tape and a few fireworks.
Do you think that would blast all of @Neil.T 's awful jokes and puns into outer space, where they belong?

EDIT: RE. Parcel tape: I have tons in my office!
Do you think that would blast all of @Neil.T 's awful jokes and puns into outer space, where they belong?
With any luck it could put this whole sorry excuse for a slice-of-life in orbit around Jupiter :p

Still trying to work out where you all fit on the chart:
How are you still single? o_O
*Shrugs* You should see my wardrobe, you can actually see the back of it!

Still trying to work out where you all fit on the chart:
Hmmm, I am most definitely not "moe" XD Not sure if there's an anime model for seemingly over-dramatic (for comedic effect), larger than life, livewire, oftentimes annoying, pain in the a**e...

Basically someone like Haruhi...
I still want to be a magical girl though...I don't know what kind of magic I would have...
How magic panties that let you control people? Or a magic Stanley knife that you can use to heal people by cutting yourself and feeding them your blood!?
Just a couple of examples from a currently airing show.