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funny thing is sometimes it's just default. in dragonball z for example, you could make the excuse that both vegeta and goku are saiyans yet goku always pulls away from vegeta in terms of ability, bakugou from MHA though, he used to be midoriya's bully, midoriya gets a "quirk" (what the series calls unique powers) that doesn't effect bakugou in the least, yet he still has the worst kind of attitude among the students
I personally find it harder in general to gel with certain anime characters for the reason that either they can have a huge chip on the shoulder, or they're just too overly annoying and irritating, but needlessly so. I found Hitomi from Vision of Escaflowne, for example, to be too whiny and it got on my nerves; she just seemed so...useless sometimes. Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha is another example: whilst she shows herself to be much more capable and strong in character towards the end of the series, throughout the show she can also be a bit of a needless hothead. I don't know if anyone here has seen anything of Inuyasha, but there's a gag called the "sit" gag, and it's used for comedic effect by Kagome. It's funny at times, and I'd say even Inuyasha is deserving of it sometimes, but it's also far too overdone, to the point where she's just doing it to be annoying.

I think it's just the way "broodyness" is portrayed in anime for me; it's often portrayed in a very...irritating way. You often end up just wanting to give the character a good swift kick up the a**e! XD
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I personally find it harder in general to gel with certain anime characters for the reason that either they can have a huge chip on the shoulder, or they're just too overly annoying and irritating, but needlessly so. I found Hitomi from Vision of Escaflowne, for example, to be too whiny and it got on my nerves; she just seemed so...useless sometimes. Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha is another example: whilst she shows herself to be much more capable and strong in character towards the end of the series, throughout the show she can also be a bit of a needless hothead. I don't know if anyone here has seen anything of Inuyasha, but there's a gag called the "sit" gag, and it's used for comedic effect by Kagome. It's funny at times, and I'd say even Inuyasha is deserving of it sometimes, but it's also far too overdone, to the point where she's just doing it to be annoying.

I think it's just the way "broodyness" is portrayed in anime for me; it's often portrayed in a very...irritating way. You often end up just wanting to give the character a good swift kick up the a**e! XD
hmm, well I did get the UE and seen vision last year, it does include the film, the comparison between series and film you'd probably hate I did too - hitomi does seem useless until she pulls out her tarrot cards and uses her pendant, as those things actually work on gaea, she does seem whiney and indecisive between alan and van, which is the poorest conflict of interest in the series but in the film it's worse, she is very brooding, very depressed then when she gets to gaea everyone seems to praise her as some prophecy come true and she does.... nothing. absolutely nothing. she doesn't even have precog powers in the film, which was probably one of the best things she did in the series
hmm, well I did get the UE and seen vision last year, it does include the film, the comparison between series and film you'd probably hate I did too - hitomi does seem useless until she pulls out her tarrot cards and uses her pendant, as those things actually work on gaea, she does seem whiney and indecisive between alan and van, which is the poorest conflict of interest in the series but in the film it's worse, she is very brooding, very depressed then when she gets to gaea everyone seems to praise her as some prophecy come true and she does.... nothing. absolutely nothing. she doesn't even have precog powers in the film, which was probably one of the best things she did in the series
Yeah, it just really...grated on me. I couldn't gel with her at all, and if I'm honest, the most I got from the series was that it was just beautifully animated; it looked visually stunning as opposed to any characters really grabbing me, or even the story being of any real interest. Merle was adorable, but even she could be very irritating at times, and Allan Schezzar (or whatever his name is), was too much of a cringey knight type. Van Fanel was just a stubborn brooding prince who was often reckless. I think Dilandau was the only really interesting character, in that he's a psychotic pyromaniac who was in fact Allan's long lost sister in disguise... guessed it, even he annoyed me alot! XD
Yeah, it just really...grated on me. I couldn't gel with her at all, and if I'm honest, the most I got from the series was that it was just beautifully animated; it looked visually stunning as opposed to any characters really grabbing me, or even the story being of any real interest. Merle was adorable, but even she could be very irritating at times, and Allan Schezzar (or whatever his name is), was too much of a cringey knight type. Van Fanel was just a stubborn brooding prince who was often reckless. I think Dilandau was the only really interesting character, in that he's a psychotic pyromaniac who was in fact Allan's long lost sister in disguise... guessed it, even he annoyed me alot! XD


Oh hey it's Alan SCHEZAR

dude is his sister and he emphasises his family name like it's dirt
One of the receptionists where I work has gone to see Lionel Richie tonight in Shrewsbury. It's raining now so I hope she's put on her poncho!

Hmmmm, I wonder if she'll be dancing on the ceiling...