Waiting for my Collector's Edition to be dispatched.
For anyone on the fence about buying Final Fantasy XVI at launch, here's Digital Foundry's verdict on how it performs:
Final Fantasy 16: as close to flawless as we've seen in a long time
Final Fantasy 16 arrives in excellent condition, giving players exactly the experience the developers
Short version: quality mode offers a solid 30fps and generally excellent visuals, performance mode makes significant cuts to visual quality and can't maintain a solid 60fps outside combat (it apparently takes some drastic steps to hit a locked 60 in combat). Most impressively for a modern AAA game, it seems to have launched in a generally bug-free state. It just looks like performance mode has room for improvement.
It turns out that when the developers mentioned they were targeting 60fps in battle only, they meant exactly that. The second you initiate combat, the internal resolution drops like a stone, hitting as low as 720p in the process.
Oh that is hilariousNever seen a mobile game announce it's release AND end of service date at the same time. At this point just don't even release the damn thing. To think I was actually looking forward to this one. Bushiroad's handling of the Love Live franchise is a mess.