I think part of the issue is that they literally built the game around it, it wasn't just skins that were purely cosmetic, it was skill cards that made you objectively stronger than people without them (in a competitive multiplayer game), not to mention that playable characters were also locked behind the system. I mean yeah you could unlock them by playing the game and grinding for the in-game currency but apparently someone worked it out and it could take like 4500 hours or around £2000 to unlock everything, which is a bit mental really (and let's not forget, this is content that is already on the disc you've paid money for, just locked so you can't access it so I personally don't compare it to DLC).
Don't get me wrong I'm kinda undecided if loot boxes are really gambling, but I do think they are exploitative as %$&£, especially when the items have a real effect on the game and getting the ones you want is completely random (if you get them at all, I remember grinding the crap out an Overwatch event for a Tracer skin and got nearly every single one bar the one I wanted. Thankfully people moaned about that system and Blizzard changed it so you could buy skins using ingame gold during events, albeit at a higher price than other skins).
I have no real stake in this as I was never really gonna buy the game (still not watched Star Wars, despite buying the BDs with the intention of doing so) but I'm glad they got called out on it as they crossed the line imo.
With all my rambling above said, this
Inflation's also a thing - I remember games costing £30 new too, but that about 20 years ago when petrol was 70p a litre and the minimum wage was £3.60. £50 is the new £30, games companies have staff to pay too and it takes a lot more of them and a lot more of their time to produce today's more complex and better looking games.
I think is a very valid point, games are more expensive to make now days (I mean I'm sure sales are also a lot higher, but doubt enough to offset that) and prices have been at a standstill. Personally, I wouldn't mind an increase in price if it meant I got a complete product without any BS, probably save me money actually as I buy far too many games just now and never actually play them and it would help me stop doing that.