Of Eva's great soundtrack, my favourite piece actually comes from 2.22, in that morning scene with the rising of Tokyo-3 (I linked a video of that somewhere around here before
Great music!

If I had to choose my favorite, it would probably be "Destiny". It goes so well with the corresponding scene in the movie (when they run toward the Sehequiel (or whatever his name was))

@Unit-99999999 (great username there by the way heh)
Thanks. I don't watch a lot of anime and actually signed up here only for this thread. I learned A LOT of stuff from this here. Makes me even more excited for the final movie!

Rei actually had a lot more attention and importance attached
Agree here. Really cool idea that she wanted to make a party for Shinji.

And Asuka seems to have evolved somewhat
Disagree here. I think she went downhill. Constantly angry and rude. When Shinji says that he better dies himself than hurts her, it's difficult to undrerstand him considering that she was always rude to him and just a day before she knocked him out in the kitchen.

I think her love for Kaji had to be cut due to the runtime. We barely see any developments between him and Misato...

And I really like Asuka in the original series - but mostly because of her further developments - you really feel bad for her for her tragic past, and you can understand her behavior somewhat. Will we see this in the movie? 2.22 has the doll so setup for her backstory is here. I'm just not sure what it's going to feel like considering that there was 14 years jump between 2.22 and 3.33... She's kind of a different person now

when Unit-01 goes berserk against Zereul.

One of my favorite moments! No direct references to
Yui though

Here is that scene from Netflix. Note that this is a multi-audio clip, which means that in the settings of the player you can choose other languages, including original Japanese -

I think it was directed perfectly. Music, tension - and then sudden loss of power. There is also a good pause between him realizing that and the Unit-01's awakening. Unfortunately, the latter moment was shown very poorly in the movie where the Unit01 awakened basically right away :(
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Given the big red LCL spatter across the surface of the moon, it's speculated that one of the Adams was thrown there by Second Impact, along with a/the (depending on how many there are) Spear of Cassius. Both were excavated under instruction by SEELE, and the Adam was fashioned into Eva Mark.06, which SEELE intended to be the "true Evangelion".
This Eva met a sorry end during 3.33, though, and was superceded by Unit-13, which is also one of the Adams. Unit-13's true identity as a/the (again uncertain) surviving Adam is stated explicitly in the film's dialogue

We know that the first Angel in the series was Adam.
Could Kaworu referring to himself as 1st Angel imply that he is a clone of Adam or something?

The numeration of Angels get a bit complicated in the movies since the events start not with one but with four Adams. Are they all referred to First Angels? I’m not really asking, rather wondering if it’s going to be addressed in the final movie (probably not).

So four Adams - where are they now? One of them was turned into Mark.05 and later used to awaken Unit-13 which is another Adam. There is also that Eva that Rei used in the movie, Mark.09 - at some point during the final battle it was referred to as “vessel of the Adams” and… “original master of Wunder”?! (Wunder is Misato’s ship). Weird stuff. Any theories on what these words could mean?

BY THE WAY, be careful when you search online for more info on the characters. I was looking for one character and saw what seemed like a spoiler for the new movie right at the top of a wiki page. It was nothing big, and it’s possible that it was nothing at all, but I just thought that it would be very unpleasant to spoil something so close to the movie’s release. And you know, all these wiki pages can be edited by practically anyone. / EDIT: Oh no that wasn’t a spoiler. Turns out it was something I didn’t remember from 3.33 LOL /
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I think it was directed perfectly. Music, tension - and then sudden loss of power. There is also a good pause between him realizing that and the Unit-01's awakening. Unfortunately, the latter moment was shown very poorly in the movie where the Unit01 awakened basically right away :(
This scene is different in 2.22 as the driver for Unit-01 going berserk is different. In NGE, the Eva itself (or more accurately Yui's soul within the Eva) drives that event. In 2.22, Shinji himself compels Unit-01 to go berserk due to the events he has just witnessed (i.e the fact that Rei and Unit-00 was consumed by the 10th Angel) - some of those events do not happen in NGE.
We know that the first Angel in the series was Adam.
Could Kaworu referring to himself as 1st Angel imply that he is a clone of Adam or something?
Kaworu is a human clone containing the soul of Adam (just as Rei is a human clone containing the soul of Lilith) which is why he refers to himself that way.

What an excellent movie. As far as what I want an Eva movie to be this is basically perfect (and of all the Eva movies it's the only one I properly loved on a first viewing). The sound design and music are great, the animation is a colossal step up from the previous film and by and large the story changes work really well.

I get what people are saying about Asuka but it felt like they covered almost her entire arc from the series in this one film whilst also giving Shinji and Rei full (complimentary) stories all firmly centred around loneliness, by choice or not and it all works really well. Rei makes an active attempt to help Shinji putting him and his father before herself, something she wouldnt have done in the first film where she sold him for his attitude towards Gendo. Asuka on the other hand is far more selfish, sees Rei as a rival and wants to get close to Shinji more for herself and her ego.

In the end Asuka is taken by the Angel which ruins Rei's plan to help Shinji. Shinji can only watch as Asuka is consumed. He rages and splutters much like she would but nothing is achieved. But then he is able to save Rei, metaphorically returning the favour she tried to give him, someone to be close to.

Also this movie has a lot more Gendo in which instantly makes it much better.
BY THE WAY, be careful when you search online for more info on the characters.
Yeah, definitely. This is exactly why I've been giving everything a very wide berth; I just wouldn't want to take a risk. It'd be all too easy to stumble across some info that you didn't want to have yet.

There is also that Eva that Rei used in the movie, Mark.09 - at some point during the final battle it was referred to as “vessel of the Adams” and… “original master of Wunder”?! (Wunder is Misato’s ship). Weird stuff. Any theories on what these words could mean?
More mystery, I'm afraid.

All we can assume is that the Wunder once belonged to NERV/SEELE, just like Eva Units- 01 and 02 did. As for the use of the term "master"... yeah, that's a strange one, because the phrasing is quite particular. The best guess at the moment is that the Mark.09/Adams' Vessel was once the ship's Core, much as Unit-01 is currently. Mark.09 is shown to be made entirely out of Core material during its fight with Unit-02.

Backtracking now to cover a couple of things I missed previously:
First Impact which is... the extinction of dinosaurs, I believe?
I had made the very same assumption at one point. "First Impact", though, would actually be the real-life event called Giant Impact, which is credited with the creation of our moon:

It's referred to in the original series in a document briefly shown on screen during episode 7, I think. 🤔
(I won't look it up at this moment because of the aforementioned risk of what it's possible to run into online! We can come back to this later, perhaps, though. 🙂)

And on the subject of Impacts...
why do we even have to guess what whether or not Near Third Impact and Third Impact are different things? They could have stated it explicitly, in one of Kaworu's lines.
Kaworu could possibly be trying to manipulate Shinji in 3.33 and could be trying to paint what SEELE wants as what Shinji wants as well. After all, we know that Kaworu is affiliated with SEELE and that Gendō was keen to get rid of him. Of course, Kaworu could genuinely have turned against SEELE at some point but Gendō just doesn't know.

Notice how that, though the Instrumentality Project is SEELE's brainchild, Kaworu credits it to NERV when he explains it to Shinji. He also doesn't answer when Shinji directly asks him what Gendō is trying to do. Is this because Kaworu doesn't know exactly either, or is he leaving information out that might hurt his attempts to recruit Shinji? Does he credit the Instrumentality Project to NERV in order to paint Gendō as an even bigger villain in Shinji's eyes, or have NERV and SEELE merged into "Neo-NERV" (not an official term but a reference to Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water) during the timeskip? These are yet more questions that we don't have the answers to.

In any case, 3.33, for me, is partly a film about what can happen when communication breaks down. For example, it seems certain that if WILLE had just sat Shinji down and explained to him all that had happened and that the 12th Angel was in a state of suspended animation within Lilith's chamber where it must remain, things could have panned out very differently.

This theme of mistrust carries over into the new character designs for Gendō and Misato, the two most important adults in Shinji's life. Both have their eyes shielded from Shinji by their eyewear, making them appear cold and unreadable.
Shinji can only watch as Asuka is consumed. He rages and splutters much like she would but nothing is achieved
Not sure what you eman by "consumed". Are you referring to the theory that the angel is still inside her? I don't really like this theory tbh, but it would explain her strength in the scene where she cracks the glass in 3.33 and her use of the word "Lilin" when talking about humans in the final scene.

As for Shinji, he wasn't raging during the battle with Unit-04, wherehe could have at least tried to do something. I kind of understand Gendo's decision to use Dummy Plug there. He obviously didn't want to lose an Eva, and it's quite likely that he didn't know what consequences this will lead to as Dummy Plug wasn't properly tested yet

Also this movie has a lot more Gendo in which instantly makes it much better.
Yeah. I like Gendo a lot. I think his character and Rei are somewhat improved compared to the original series.

So, I finished my rewatch of Evangelion 3.33 about an hour ago. I liked it more this time around.

This page @Neil.T has shared few days ago in this thread helped me to prepare for my re-watch:

Guides:Evangelion 3.33 FAQ - EvaWiki - An Evangelion Wiki - EvaGeeks.org (Note that the last edit to the page was made in June 2019, which means it is safe from spoilers to 3.0+1.0)

Unfortunately, most of the explanations there are speculations.

I can't help but think that Evangelion 3.33 is poorly directed at times. For example, at one point during the movie Shinji is given Toji's shirt. It doesn't serve anything in terms of the story. And yet the scene is still there, for whatever reason. Where did NERV even get this item in the first place? Why would they give it to Shinji?

Also, the inverted pyramid in the air above the ruins of Geofront is supposed to be Neo-NERV HQ. But is it a new structure completely or a piece of the ground lifted in the air? The reason why I'm asking is because there is a scene where Gendo is sitting at his desk in what looks very much like his room at old NERV HQ - there is half the wall missing and the fact that he still sits there, 14 years after Zeruel's attack is kind of ridiculous)

As for Mark.09, I really like this theory -
The best guess at the moment is that the Mark.09/Adams' Vessel was once the ship's Core, much as Unit-01 is currently. Mark.09 is shown to be made entirely out of Core material during its fight with Unit-02.

Unit-13's awakening is hands down my favorite scene in the movie. The moment where it it is shown with four hands for the first time, it turns into Radiant Giant (which is how one of wiki pages was referring to it as) and it's rise to the clouds - all of this is so epic!

But I still don't get what causes Evas to awaken, exactly.
This scene is different in 2.22 as the driver for Unit-01 going berserk is different. In NGE, the Eva itself (or more accurately Yui's soul within the Eva) drives that event. In 2.22, Shinji himself compels Unit-01 to go berserk due to the events he has just witnessed
Is going berserk the same thing as awakening? Probably not, as the first battle in the movie is the same as the first battle in the series and nobody ever referred to it as "awakening". If Shinji compels Unit-01 to awaken in the final scene of 2.22, what is happening with Unit-13 in 3.33? the two scenes are so different. The FAQ says that Unit-13 was awakened by Kaworu because of his "demotion" to 13th angel, but I have no idea what that means.

And, from what I understand, impacts are caused by Evas uniting with Angels? If angels want to unite with Adam and Evas are made from Adams, that would mean that close contact of two would basically achieve angels' goal. Right?

I'm asking so many questions because the movie is coming out tomorrow and I want to understand this crap at least half as well as you do :)

Some other things I've noticed -
In the end, Gendo says that "We got rid of SEELE boy and we led Unit-13 to its awakening. Interesting because in order to awaken it they supposedly needed Kaworu, so who knows how all of this plays out in the final movie...

Also, according to Kiwaru, the central dogma had been sealed for 14 years... Which is weird. Because the skulls on the floor supposedly belonged to Failures of Infinity. Maybe a mistake in a dialogue? Hard to believe that all these Units scattered around landscape existed at the end of 2.22

Another thing is that in the battle in space there is a moment where Unit-01 destroys the second defence system (It's called Mark.04B, I believe). I wonder if that was a Yui moment or Shinji subconsciously controlled the robot? Likely the second. They should have shown Unit-01 being taken out of the container on it's arrival to Wunder. I was confused by what they were retrieving when I watched the movie for the first time.
Not sure what you eman by "consumed".
I meant the way she gets trapped as the Angel consumes the Eva and the plug shes in trapping her.
As for Shinji, he wasn't raging during the battle
After the dummy plug takes over hes definitely raging at his father for putting him in a helpless position. In another piece of mirroring hes also trapped.
I don't watch a lot of anime and actually signed up here only for this thread. I learned A LOT of stuff from this here.
Aha you I'm sure @Neil.T will be proud to have you as his padawan. And I suspect, like a lot of others, you may get hooked on to anime thanks to Eva!
Disagree here. I think she went downhill. Constantly angry and rude.
Heheh, I'll go with that rudeness being Asuka's way of showing affection. I'm very much of the notion that the opposite of love is not hate but apathy. And I did feel she seemed in rebuild to be even stronger than before in her independence of others, not to say that it is a particularly healthy coping mechanism to be fair. But I always find admirable someone like Asuka who battles on relentlessly rather than just give up, like I tend to do but wish I didn't heh. Good point on Kaji elements just cut out for time constraints. Kind of like Shinji's mother's though the latter I find has had part of that role reallocated towards Rei. Even Gendo & Fuyutski's chats revolving around pushing Rei and Shinji closer for their machinations points somewhat towards that.
No direct references to
Yui though
Yeah not directly now that I re-watch that clip. But I think I always associate Unit-01 going berserk with Yui. I felt similarly in that clip, with Shinji's pleas eliciting a response in that flash of blue just before super-sync.

I'll aim to come back to 3.33 after I hopefully watch it tomorrow.
For example, at one point during the movie Shinji is given Toji's shirt. It doesn't serve anything in terms of the story. And yet the scene is still there, for whatever reason.

I may be completely wrong here but I believe the purpose of Toji's shirt is to trigger Shinji and in turn the audience to question exactly what has happened to everyone he knew over the 14 years which then leads into the next scene Kaworu shows Shinji what has happened to the world.
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@Geriatric hedgehog I like some of the points you'be brought up about Asuka. I think there was not enough of "small talk:" between her and other characters to further reveal her personality. In the original show there were many moments when she is openly communicating with Shinji (like when she agrees to practice with him that dance-fight)

In the movie there is only one scene like that, when she comes to his room at night. That's not nearly enough to develop a relationship between the two
I may be completely wrong here but I believe the purpose of Toji's shirt is to trigger Shinji and in turn the audience to question exactly what has happened to everyone he knew over the 14 years which then leads into the next scene Kaworu shows Shinji what has happened to the world.
Yeah, it does seem like that was the goal as they go outside basically in the next scene. However Toji's fate was never explicitly stated which is weird. And why would NERV give this to Shinji in the first place? He was probably already intrigued to know what is happening.
For those who may be interested: Rebuild of Evangelion is coming to Prime Video in 11 languages!

Prime Video Japan shared a new video on their YouTube channel which shows “iconic moments” from all four movies. I skipped through it - I DO NOT recommend looking for it as I saw some footage there from 3.0+1.0 that I do not remember seeing in TV spots. Given that it’s Japanese account that posted it it’s very likely that there are spoilers in the video (as fans in Japan already saw the movie in theatres)

Plus they showed a lot of important moments from the first three movies, based on the first few minutes (I really wanted to hear them speaking in French) - Rei smiling, Kaworu waking up, Unit-01 killing Unit-03

11 languages is really cool. Funimation Blu Ray releases in North America had only two languages - Japanese and English. As someone who is learning French at home, I am very excited for an opportunity to rewatch Evangelion movies in another language.

EDIT: It really annoys me that Prime Video doesn’t want to promote these movies on social media. They spent a lot of money to acquire the rights and record new dub - why not create a post about it or two? I scrolled through their Twitter and Instagram accounts (both of Prime Video US and Prime Video Canada) - and it looks like the last time they mentioned Evangelion was the day of the announcement. Ridiculous.


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I'm asking so many questions because the movie is coming out tomorrow
Hey, ask away, dude. It helps me to clarify things in my own mind as well, so we both win out of this.

Plus, I've had over eight years to try to puzzle various things out, while you've only had, what, about a week?

Also, the inverted pyramid in the air above the ruins of Geofront is supposed to be Neo-NERV HQ. But is it a new structure completely or a piece of the ground lifted in the air? The reason why I'm asking is because there is a scene where Gendo is sitting at his desk in what looks very much like his room at old NERV HQ - there is half the wall missing and the fact that he still sits there, 14 years after Zeruel's attack is kind of ridiculous)
If I'm being honest, I find the whole inverted pyramid itself ridiculous, but that's another story.

But yeah, it's the original NERV HQ and its immediate surroundings, all in ruins, entombed within steep cliffs and now incorporating new, apparently automated, facilities. Exactly where these new facilities are actually located within the structure is unclear, but Rei and Shinji seemingly have to pass through the old ruined parts before reaching the new sections. The main shaft leading down to Lilith's chamber, once completely underground, has been pulled up out of the ground to form a sort of stem.

The pyramid in the sky is a concept recycled from the Tower of Babel seen in Hideaki Anno's 1990 anime Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. See these images for comparison:

But I still don't get what causes Evas to awaken, exactly.
Is going berserk the same thing as awakening? Probably not
In the case of Shinji and Unit-01 in 2.22, it was because became so desperate to rescue Rei that the intensity of his feelings caused the Eva to awake and answer his prayer.

In the case of Kaworu and Unit-13 in 3.33... well, he tells Shinji that it was all because he became the 13th Angel, but there's no outwardly visible sign of that. The editing of that sequence makes it appear as if the catalyst was the extinguishment of the last SEELE monolith, but that's probably unintentional.

Note that the choker is responding to Kaworu's feelings overwhelming him as he wills the Eva to move for him despite his controls being cut off, rather than to the actual awakening of Unit-13 itself.

And, from what I understand, impacts are caused by Evas uniting with Angels? If angels want to unite with Adam and Evas are made from Adams, that would mean that close contact of two would basically achieve angels' goal. Right?
Difficult to say exactly. It would seem that the trigger for the opening of the Gates of Guf is in a lifeform attaining more than one soul (each one represented by a Core). In 2.22, though, the 10th Angel absorbed Unit-00 without triggering anything, and the Mark.04Cs that the crew of the Wunder battle in 3.33 actually have a block of 32 cores each, so...

Also, was Unit-13 able to open the Gates because it carried two Spears of Longinus? Or because it's one of the Adams? Or because of both? Even after Kaworu's demise, the Gates remained open until Mari forcibly ejected Shinji's Entry Plug. Why was that? Yet more unknowns, I'm afraid.

Incidentally, the idea of the Guf is drawn from Jewish mysticism:

Also, according to Kiwaru, the central dogma had been sealed for 14 years... Which is weird. Because the skulls on the floor supposedly belonged to Failures of Infinity.
According to Kaworu it had, yes. It could be suggested that Near Third Impact and actual Third Impact (if they are indeed separate events) might have happened less than a year apart.

You'll notice, though, in another story contrivance, that Asuka and Mari were able to gain access to Lilith's chamber through a crack in its ceiling, bypassing the previously sealed main shaft entirely.

in the battle in space there is a moment where Unit-01 destroys the second defence system (It's called Mark.04B, I believe). I wonder if that was a Yui moment or Shinji subconsciously controlled the robot?
That was definitely caused by Shinji. Asuka called out for him to help immediately before Unit-01 intervened, and then Ritsuko later informs Shinji that he had the Eva awakened for 12 seconds only recently.

And lastly for now...
I may be completely wrong here but I believe the purpose of Toji's shirt is to trigger Shinji and in turn the audience to question exactly what has happened to everyone he knew over the 14 years which then leads into the next scene Kaworu shows Shinji what has happened to the world.
@MayDay is absolutely spot-on in that assessment. Moreover, it's no coincidence that Shinji came into possession of something that one belonged to one of his old friends: it's another orchestration by Gendō.

I guess it ended up being an item of clothing because, aside from food, clean clothing is the only other thing that Shinji is provided with in his daily life, so spartan is his environment at Neo-NERV.
WOW. Finally :)

I thought they won’t announce anything so close to Prime Video’s release of Rebuilds

Just checked and GKIDS started a countdown for their North American BD release too - GKIDS.com/Evangelion

I’m guessing these editions will be identical then? No idea how this works tbh
/EDIT: Oh, I just noticed on their site that All The Anime, Madman and GKIDS are basically the same thing in different countries. OK/

Personally I’m not interested in owning Eva BD at this point. However I’m curious to see if this edition will feature Fly Me to the Moon… @Neil.T said that the song was removed from later pressings of Evangelion 1.11 BD which could mean that Netflix isn’t the only studio who can’t get the rights on it.

Another wild ride. It's a pretty crazy film this. My favourite section is probably the middle part that feels most Eva. Shinji hanging out with Kaworu, trying to get to know Rei, ending up in one of many psychological crises finding out about his mum. All good stuff.

It's a shame we dont get much time with many of the cast from before. So many of their personalities are massively shifted but it's just a case of accept it and move on. In many ways I wish there was a movie between 2 and 3 without Shinji in where we see how the 14 yrs play out. A part of me feels a series would've done this version of the story more justice.

On the other hand the movie budget does mean it's pretty amazing to look at.

I havent read all the previous posts about this film as I didnt want to influence my viewing this time. It's only my 2nd time watching it and it was years ago now! At this point I'll probably wait until I've seen the new one and then go back through the discussion. Really hope it sticks the landing!
I find the whole inverted pyramid itself ridiculous
I like it. It looks very unusual and there is an awesome moment when awaken Unit-13 flies through it. I wish they showed a bit better though, to better understand what is inside of it.
Note that the choker is responding to Kaworu's feelings overwhelming him as he wills the Eva to move for him despite his controls being cut off, rather than to the actual awakening of Unit-13 itself.
The FAQ you shared earlier gives a theory that it’s possible that Misato pressed the button after Wunder could no longer pursue Unit-13. I want to believe that they would show us this but there is many moments in the movie when it’s really difficult to understand what is going on because they don’t show us details. Like, in the battle between Unit-13 and Unit-02 the latter runs out of power and Mari drops down a spear of some sort. If you don’t notice that in one shot Unit-02 hold its hand on top of it you will never understand when and how it recharged.

Are you sure controls remained cut off even after Unit-13 awakened? In 2.22 dummy system is some way cut off controls too yet Shinji couldn’t do

You'll notice, though, in another story contrivance, that Asuka and Mari were able to gain access to Lilith's chamber through a crack in its ceiling, bypassing the previously sealed main shaft entirely.

I looked at the scene of their arrival and no cracks are being shown. Unit-02 simply descends from the darkness.

From my understanding once Unit-13 goes through the seal it’s broken - we never see it regenerating again but we see it falling apart in cubical pieces. That would also explain how Mark.09 got into it even though not being specifically enhanced

Ritsuko later informs Shinji that he had the Eva awakened for 12 seconds only recently.

Heck I must have missed this! But that’s cool - one mystery less lol
It's a shame we dont get much time with many of the cast from before
Totally agree. Not sure what happened to that footage from the preview at the end of 2.22 but they clearly had some ideas on what happened in the central dogma and stuff. I feel like the movie could have used another 10 minutes or so to explain the changes better - not necessarily in the beginning but maybe in the half of portion of it, during the dialogue with Kaworu. 2.22, by the way, is 1hr50min long, while this chapter lasts only 1hr35min, so it really feels like it could have been a little bit longer.

Unlike you, I'm rather pessimistic about the ability of one movie to stick it all together. I think the timeskip will always feel unnatural a bit and the series will remain sort of "uneven". But I'm still excited to see it
otally agree. Not sure what happened to that footage from the preview at the end of 2.22 but they clearly had some ideas on what happened in the central dogma and stuff.
I feel that originally there wasnt going to be a time skip or at least part of the movie would still resemble the original series. And I think at some point after the making of the second film Anno changed his mind and decided to throw everything from the original out and just go crazy with the story.

I feel like the movie could have used another 10 minutes or so to explain the changes better - not necessarily in the beginning but maybe in the half of portion of it, during the dialogue with Kaworu. 2.22, by the way, is 1hr50min long, while this chapter lasts only 1hr35min, so it really feels like it could have been a little bit longer.
Yeah even another 20min could have been added and it wouldn't have been a long movie and then there couldve been more time with the others or even a flash back where some of the missing years were filled in a bit.
Unlike you, I'm rather pessimistic about the ability of one movie to stick it all together. I think the timeskip will always feel unnatural a bit and the series will remain sort of "uneven". But I'm still excited to see it
At the moment 3.33 is a good stand alone film but whether it turns into an amazing part of the franchise feels very dependent on whether the final film justifies the changes and direction it took. It's been a long wait to find out!

But yeah it is a very jarring film. Especially if you've seen the series before.

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