Exactly that. That's what's so clever about it: both Shinji and the viewer are dropped right into the middle of the same unfamiliar setting and assailed with impenetrable jargon. We don't understand any more as the audience than Shinji does as a participant, so we're along for the ride with him.it makes us feel like Shinji in this alien world
What's doubly clever, though, I think, is that after seeing only the first 10 minutes of the finale, we already understand much better what WILLE are doing: they're not just trying to survive in the post-Third Impact world, but actually have the ambition and technology to restore the environment to a habitable state. It makes Shinji's attempt in 3.0 to fix everything with a proverbial snap of the fingers look really self-centred and myopic. What WILLE are doing is definitely not the work of five minutes: it must have taken a lot of sweat, toil and time to get where they've gotten to. There are no quick fixes.
Rewatching 3.0 now, you can actually understand and empathise with the Wunder crew's attitude of "Look, we can't deal with you at the moment, Shinji; this is a busy time for us."
Very clever indeed.
Looking at the opening shot of the Xmas Day teaser, it looks to me like it could be Unit-01's left arm being reconstructed. Unit-01 has certainly been restored to a good enough standard to be able to face off against Eva-13 in hand-to-hand combat, but we'll hopefully get into that a bit more. I know I certainly have an idea or two I'd love to share here.EVA 01 is still needed by WILLE to power the Wunder so it would be interesting to see how it’s used this time I assume something will happen to Wünder to affect 01.
Then there's the small matter of the enemy Wunder to deal with as well. WILLE are gonna be kept busy!