The effects of 4chan on the mind...


Chrono Mizaki said:
If I could respect 4chan for two things, then here they are:

1. Their adoration of cats
2. - This. I can go as far as saying that I would kill a person if they kill a cat. But I guess I adore cats too much =P

I suppose the whole demonization of Kenny Glenn for his appalling behaviour is a good mark on 4chan, in fairness.

Otherwise, they are pretty much a place of bastard.

Engrish! :]
CitizenGeek said:
I suppose the whole demonization of Kenny Glenn for his appalling behaviour is a good mark on 4chan, in fairness.
No, it isn't. Regardless of what someone has done, we have a legal system to deal with them, not a bunch of internet cowards.
ilmaestro said:
CitizenGeek said:
I suppose the whole demonization of Kenny Glenn for his appalling behaviour is a good mark on 4chan, in fairness.
No, it isn't. Regardless of what someone has done, we have a legal system to deal with them, not a bunch of internet cowards.

To be fair its unknown if the law system would of even caught him if it wasn't for their actions, its highly likely he would of slipped through, leaving him to continue his antics or worse.
ilmaestro said:
CitizenGeek said:
I suppose the whole demonization of Kenny Glenn for his appalling behaviour is a good mark on 4chan, in fairness.
No, it isn't. Regardless of what someone has done, we have a legal system to deal with them, not a bunch of internet cowards.

You could (and I do) think of 4chan's members as being akin to a person who reports a crime in this instance. The demonization of Kenny Glenn was always going to happen and he certainly does deserve it.
CitizenGeek said:
Engrish! :]


No, it isn't. Regardless of what someone has done, we have a legal system to deal with them, not a bunch of internet cowards.

If I had it my way, then that bastard would be pretty much in hospital or near death. The justice system does **** all when it comes to animal abuse and it takes an awful long time. If we left it in law's hand, then the cat would be pretty much dead.

No, I think 4chan, being bastards and all, made my day when that happen. That bastard deserves at the very least.
ilmaestro said:
No, it isn't. Regardless of what someone has done, we have a legal system to deal with them, not a bunch of internet cowards.

I agree with what you said, but hell, there are moments when you don't care. Surely law is the most important thing for society, but there are far more important things for the individual, and I really wouldn't blame anyone who follows his or her gut feelings in matters important to said person.
Yes, I totally agree there might be moments when people don't care about the law, and I can think of certain relevant situations where I don't know myself what I'd do, but that doesn't make it right, and their actions aren't condonable even if you think that in this one instance nobody who didn't deserve it got hurt.
I knew the guy who did that... he didn't have a life for 2 months... he sherked all his friends for that and while, hell, it was cool he could do it, it was really very very sad in the end.

I used to go on 4chan for a while last year... it was okay for a while... but it got boring really quickly. I have a nice little folder that i go back to every now and again but i just don't spend any time on it anymore.

Just not as funny anymore.
A protest on music? Isn't that more to do with the music companies being touchy about copyrights? And even so, why should a child pay for that?

I just don't get people...
BBC said:
"As the disturbing videos were being uploaded..." "When asked if he was concerned that children can freely watch such inappropriate material on YouTube..."
Sex is now officially disturbing and inappropriate. Thanks for clearing that up BBC. :thumb:

As for kids seeing sexual activity... it's natural isn't it? It's a lot more healthy than watching people being killed in movies and tv shows all the time. Parents should be teaching their kids about sex by the time they can use the internet anyway, if 4chan and YouTube have to do it for them it just shows how repressed our society is.
Porn and sex are different. Porn is disturbing and innapropriate on a site for all ages.

Sex ed is being taught - we're not America - there are so many shows that support the understanding of sex. By year 6 i'd seen a couple having sex on a video at school. We spent weeks talking about it. For some reason, even earlier i knew what rape was and that it was bad. The problem is, Porn has become something so readily available on the internet and through our society, that porn needs to be something more than that. There's no longer that much interest in vanilla. So you have fetishes...

I don't think it's natural for a kid to be brought up with porn. Especially when porn promotes misogynistic behaviour. When it teaches that pain is pleasure.

I think 4chan can be the most disgusting place imaginable when they do things like this.... and i don't know why they act like they're part of some elite club. They're not. They're so far from it.
Gemma1412 said:
The problem is, Porn has become something so readily available on the internet and through our society, that porn needs to be something more than that. There's no longer that much interest in vanilla. So you have fetishes...

I don't think it's natural for a kid to be brought up with porn. Especially when porn promotes misogynistic behaviour. When it teaches that pain is pleasure.
Wait, do we even know what kind of porn it was? It's kinda generalising saying all porn is misogynistic or sadistic... Women can enjoy pornography as well can't they? I think rather than promoting anything, porn exists because of fantasies people already have. No-one goes looking for something unless they have a desire to see it in the first place.

Sex isn't just the bland reproductive process kids are taught about in school. People need to realise it's for pleasure and not to be ashamed of it, and that if two (or one, or several) people enjoy doing anything sexual together then it isn't wrong.