Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thread
I bought a new TV for my PS4, there is zero chance of me buying another for PS5 at this point no matter how much Sony is supplementing the cost. The games I prefer to play look terrible anyway.
I would say I have above average disposable income over here but it's hard to realistically believe there will be any anime content worth owning in 4k by then, so there's very little appeal to switching formats (plus I would need to upgrade my computer monitors, computer drives, separate players, probably buy more software and so on). And even if I do all of that the small UK anime companies won't be able to redo anything for 4k other than Ghost in the Shell and the Ghibli films anyway. Even massive collectors will hit a wall of 'upgrade fatigue' eventually and continuously inflating the technology in a way which improves the experience less noticeably each time is the perfect way to drive more and more everyday people away from physical and over to Netflix. Rather than 4k making physical relevant again, I think all it's going to do is hasten the inevitable split between the collectors with their pricey small print run physical editions and the regular people enjoying the convenience of cloud-based entertainment.
Going back to the VHS-DVD upgrade point, DVD->Netflix has a much more tangible pay-off for the average human being than DVD->BD (or its 4k cousin). Being able to shut the kids up by letting them watch Peppa Pig on a tablet while you enjoy something more grown up on your nice telly, all for the price of a subscription? No more shipping fees, waiting for several days, budgeting around release dates, returning damaged items, or worrying about storing media in tiny flats? It's a massive quality of life improvement, especially for those with limited means. The problem that some people have terrible Internet connections is a separate issue and one that should be resolved, but not at the cost of denying the amazingness that streaming provides.